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Ramadan, O., and M. Novak, Coherency functions for spatially correlated seismic ground motions, : Geotechnical Research Centre, University of Western Ontario, 1993. Abstract
Youssef, W. M., K. M. El-Dash, and O. M. Ramadan, "Construction activities duration patterns in the Middle East", International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol. 2, issue 4, pp. 122-135, 2013. Abstract
Elkashi, H. A., O. A. Hosny, and O. M. Ramadan, "Criteria Affecting the Selection of Construction-Project Portfolios for the Egyptian Public Utilities", Scientific Bulletin, vol. 39, issue 4: Faculty of Engineering, Ainshams University, pp. 299-314, 2004. Abstract
Abdelbarr, M. H., O. M. O. Ramadan, A. Hilal, A. M. Sanad, and H. A. Abdalla, "Current design of rectangular steel silos: limitations and improvement", Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, vol. 71, issue 1: Springer Berlin Heidelberg Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 77, 2024. Abstract