Conservative Dentistry Clinical Course Part I (OPRD 4)/Mainstream BDS FODCU/ 4th Year

The main goal of the course is to prepare the fourth-year student for the first clinical practice and to be capable of applying the art & science of the restorative dentistry during cavity preparation and during restoration placement.
1-     Course Information



Course Title: Conservative Dentistry

Clinical Course part I

Academic Level:

Fourth Year (new)


Conservative Dentistry

Number of contact hours/week:


1hr/W (Total of20 hrs/academic year for each group)


2hr/W (Total of 28 hrs/ semester)

2-     Overall aim of course:

The main goal of the course is to prepare the fourth-year student for the first clinical practice and to be capable of applying the art and science of the restorative dentistry during cavity preparation and during restoration placement.

3-     Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

a-     Knowledge and Understanding:

Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:

a1-Discover the importance of patient reception and infection control.

a2-Define the examination procedures and diagnostic decisions according to various clinical diagnostic aids.

a3- Identify how to manage a variety of carious lesions and how to utilize several preventive and restorative techniques.

a4- Identify and differentiate different types and strategies of adhesive systems and dental adhesion.

a5- Recognize and assess different techniques of moisture control.

a6- Understand health hazards in restorative dentistry.

a7- Identify techniques of control of pain in restorative dentistry.

a8- State the causes of postoperative pain and causes of dental fear during and after restorative treatment.

a9-Determine the biological influence of the various restorative procedures and materials used.

a10- Understand tooth form and occlusion

b-Intellectual Skills:

Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:

b1- Asses his/ her examination and diagnostic skills during practical sessions.

b2-Apply suitable treatment alternatives.

b3- Report various carious defect and compare several restorative techniques.

b4-Evaluate a reasonable control of the dental pain.

c-   Professional and Practical Skills:

Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:

c1-Perform assessment for the dental patient and diagnose the defective lesion.

c2-Choose suitable treatment alternatives.

c3-Restore various carious defects

c4- Provide reasonable control of the patient in pain.

d-  General and Transferable Skills:

Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to:

d1- List appropriate solutions for specific problems with proper justification for his/her choice.

d2-Apply the basic requirements for problem solving of different clinical situations.

d3-Conduct proper communication and collaboration with colleagues and supervisors

d4- Conduct ethical behavior towards his/her patient.

4-   Course Content:

  1. Holistic approach in patient assessment and infection control – communicating skills
  2. Diagnosis versus detection
  3. Moisture control
  4. Introduction to adhesion
  5. Dental cariology
  6. Minimal invasive dentistry
  7. Selection and decision making
  8. Tooth form and occlusion
  9. Management of Deep caries
  10. Post-Operative Pain and Hypersensitivity
  11. Biological considerations
  12. Parameters of a successful restoration (Part 1)
5-   Teaching and Learning Methods:

5.1- Lectures: 1 lecture per week (1hour) (face to face).

5.2- Practical sessions: 1 session per week (2 hours) (face to face).

5.3- Self-study (case presentations).

6-   Student Assessment:

A-  Assessment Methods:

  1. Continuous assessment: will comprise MCQ on some topics throughout each semester.
  2. Final written exam: will comprise MCQ questions (weighing of marks on each topic is proportional to the number of lectures)
  3. Final practical exam: each student will be asked to manage a patient with one regular carious defect (diagnosis, cavity preparation and final restoration)
B-   Assessment Schedule:


Written and clinical exams will be held according to Faculty schedule.


Logbook: During clinical sessions.


-Written exam Date: according to Faculty schedule (MCQ, T & F).

-Clinical: Date: according to Faculty schedule. (Isolation and rubber dam application, All classes (Class I, II, III, IV, V or VI cavity preparation), Selection of the restorative material according to the case.

            -Oral: Date: according to Faculty schedule.

C-  Weighing of Assessment:

Total marks: 100

Course work: 20

Final written exam: 50

Final practical: 20

Oral exam: 10

7-   List of References:

A-   Course Notes:

.Lectures and practical sessions given by the staff members throughout the course.

B-    Essential Textbooks:


  • Torres, C. R. (2020). Modern operative dentistry: Principles for clinical practice (1st ed.). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Ritter, A. V., Boushell, L. W. & Walter, R.; Sturdevant, C. M. (2019). Sturdevant’s art and science of operative dentistry (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
  • Garg, N., Garg, A., & Tahun, I. A. (2015). Textbook of operative dentistry (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Jaypee Brothers Medical.
  • Hilton, T. J., Ferracane, J. L., & Broome, J. C. (2013). Summitt’s fundamentals of operative dentistry a contemporary approach (4th ed.). Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Publishing.
  • Schwendicke, F. (2018). Management of Deep Carious Lesions (1st ed.). Cham: Springer International Publishing
C-   Periodicals, websites,.. etc.

  • Scientific articles through PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus databases and through repositories such as Google Scholar and ResearchGate.


  • Egyptian knowledge bank