Dr. Omar Z. Youssef is a surgical oncologist graduated from Kasr El Aini faculty of medicine, Cairo University, Egypt in 1993. He received his master degree in surgery in 1997 and pursuit his training, where he was trained as a fellow of surgery in the department of plastic and reconstructive surgery in the European institute of oncology under the supervision of prof. Jean-Yves Petit, one of the pioneers of breast reconstruction in Europe. Then, he worked as a senior resident of surgery in Institut Gustave-Roussy in Paris, France.
He serves now as a professor of surgical oncology.
His subspecialty is oncoplastic breast surgery, with main research area in locally advanced breast cancer and breast reconstructive surgery. His main activities are clinical research, teaching and training young surgeons in breast surgery.
He has several publications on breast reconstructive surgery and has attended and presented in many international conferences.
He is a member of many scientific societies, and currently he is the secretary general of Breast surgery International (BSI), an integrated society of the International society of surgery (ISS)
He works also as the scientific coordinator of the Euro Arab School of Oncology, a chapter of the European school of oncology (ESO) and in the editorial board of World Journal of Surgery (WJS)