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Abdel All, M., H. M. Hassan, M. HAMDY, O. A. Nasr, K. Mohamed, and A. F. Shalash, "Design and implementation of application-specific instruction-set processor design for high-throughput multi-standard wireless orthogonal frequency division multiplexing baseband processor", Circuits, Devices Systems, IET, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 191-203, 2015. Abstract

The two implementation choices for the baseband part of wireless radios are the application-specific platforms (e.g. application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)) and the programmable processors (e.g. digital signal processors (DSPs)). An application-specific instruction-set processor (ASIP) is a customised processor that bridges the gap between the two platforms. In this work, a novel implementation of the signal processing part of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) baseband processor using three ASIPs is presented. The ASIPs provide novel architectures for the symbol chain, including fast Fourier transform, channel estimation subsystem and synchronisation subsystem. This design provides a close to DSPs level of flexibility, making it suitable for supporting all the modes of a large number of OFDM standards. In the meantime, the system maintains a performance level comparable to ASICs. This is demonstrated by providing post-layout results for 0.13 μm Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company complementary metal-oxide semiconductor technology.

Alaa, A. M., and O. A. Nasr, "Globally Optimal Cooperation in Dense Cognitive Radio Networks", Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 84, no. 2: Springer US, pp. 885-899, 2015. Abstractwpc_global_optimal_2015.pdfWebsite

In cooperative spectrum sensing, local sensing at different sensing nodes is done either using soft decisions or hard decisions. The hard decision-based sensing has the advantage of using only one bit to report the local decision. In the literature, the hard decisions are combined at the fusion center using AND, OR, or MAJORITY rules. Although the problem of finding the “optimal” fusion rule was addressed and solved for the soft decisions fusion, it was not solved in the hard-decisions sensing. The problem of calculating the local and global decision thresholds in hard decisions-based cooperative spectrum sensing is known for its mathematical intractability. Hence, previous studies relied on simple suboptimal counting rules for decision fusion in order to avoid the exhaustive numerical search required for obtaining the optimal thresholds. These simple rules are not globally optimal as they do not maximize the overall global detection probability by jointly selecting local and global thresholds. Instead, they try to maximize the detection probability for a specific global threshold. In this paper, a globally optimal decision fusion rule for Primary User signal detection based on the Neyman-Pearson (NP) criterion is derived. The algorithm is based on a novel representation for the global performance metrics in terms of the regularized incomplete beta function. Based on this mathematical representation, it is shown that the globally optimal NP hard decision fusion test can be put in the form of a conventional one dimensional convex optimization problem. A binary search for the global threshold can be applied yielding a complexity of O(log2(N)), where N represents the number of cooperating users. The logarithmic complexity is appreciated because we are concerned with dense networks, and thus N is expected to be large. The proposed optimal scheme outperforms conventional counting rules, such as the OR, AND, and MAJORITY rules. It is shown via simulations that, although the optimal rule tends to the simple OR rule when the number of cooperating secondary users is small, it offers significant SNR gain in dense cognitive radio networks with large number of cooperating users.

Alaa, A. M., and O. A. Nasr, "A globally optimal Neyman-Pearson test for hard decisions fusion in cooperative spectrum sensing", Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2014 International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 605–610, 2014. Abstract
Ali, N., O. Nasr, and others, "WSN lifetime prolongation for deterministic distributions using a hierarchical routing protocol", AFRICON, 2013: IEEE, pp. 1–5, 2013. Abstract
Awad, A., O. A. Nasr, and M. M. Khairy, "Energy-aware routing for delay-sensitive applications over wireless multihop mesh networks", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2011 7th International: IEEE, pp. 1075–1080, 2011. Abstract
Awad, A., A. Mohamed, A. A. El-Sherif, and O. A. Nasr, "Interference-aware energy-efficient cross-layer design for healthcare monitoring applications", Computer Networks, vol. 74, Part A, pp. 64 - 77, 2014. Abstractcomputernets_health_2014.pdfWebsite

Body Area Sensor Networks (BASNs) leverage wireless communication technologies to provide healthcare stakeholders with innovative tools and solutions that can revolutionize healthcare provisioning; BASNs thus promotes new ways to acquire, process, transport, and secure the raw and processed medical data to provide the scalability needed to cope with the increasing number of elderly and chronic disease patients requiring constant monitoring. However, the design and operation of BASNs is challenging, mainly due to the limited power source and small form factor of the sensor nodes. The main goal of this paper is to minimize the total energy consumption to prolong the lifetime of the wireless BASNs for healthcare applications. An Energy–Delay–Distortion cross-layer framework is proposed in order to ensure transmission quality for medical signals under limited power and computational resources. The proposed cross-layer framework spans the Application–MAC–Physical layers. The optimal encoding and transmission energy are computed to minimize the total energy consumption in a delay constrained wireless BASN. The proposed framework considers three scheduling techniques: TDMA, TDMA–Simultaneous Transmission and dynamic frequency allocation scheduling. The TDMA–ST scheme schedules the weakly interfering links to transmit simultaneously, and schedules the strongly interfering links to transmit at different time slots. The dynamic frequency allocation scheme allocates the time–frequency slots optimally based on the application’s requirements. Simulation results show that these proposed scheduling techniques offer significant energy savings, compared to the algorithms that ignore cross-layer optimization.

Awad, A., O. A. Nasr, and M. M. Khairy, "Multi-user cross-layer optimization for delay-sensitive applications over wireless multihop mesh networks", Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 2289–2294, 2011. Abstract
Awad, A., O. A. Nasr, and M. M. Khairy, "Mixed TDMA/Simultaneous-Transmission Scheduling for Delay Sensitive Applications", International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Cyprus, 27-31 August, 2012. Abstract


El Madawi, K., H. Rashed, A. El Sallab, O. Nasr, H. Kamel, and S. Yogamani, "Rgb and lidar fusion based 3d semantic segmentation for autonomous driving", 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC): IEEE, pp. 7-12, 2019. Abstract
El-Motaz, M. A., W. M. Ismail, M. Raafat, A. S. Faried, M. A. Raghieb, N. M. Ismail, S. A. Hafez, A. H. El-Kady, E. A. El-Sayed, M. A. Sharaf, et al., "A highly scalable vector oriented ASIP-based multi-standard digital receiver", Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2015 IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 466–469, 2015. Abstract
El-Motaz, M. A., A. M. El-Shafiey, M. E. Farag, O. A. Nasr, and H. A. H. Fahmy, "Speeding-up fast fourier transform", Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2015 IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 510–511, 2015. Abstract
El-Shafiey, A. M., M. E. Farag, M. A. El-Motaz, O. A. Nasr, and H. A. H. Fahmy, "Two-stage optimization of CORDIC-friendly FFT", Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2015 IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 408–411, 2015. Abstract
Elgendi, M., O. A. Nasr, and M. M. Khairy, "Cooperative multicasting based on superposition and layered coding", Communications, IET, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 267-277, Feb, 2014. Abstract

Cooperative diversity plays an important role in combating channel fading and increasing reliability of wireless communication links. The main purpose of cooperative diversity is to transmit the same data from multiple sources. Hence, there is no inherent capability in the cooperative diversity schemes to deal with scalable types of data, for example, scalable video coded signals. The authors introduce a two-phase cooperative multicast scheme based on superposition coding to transmit scalable video signals. The new scheme mixes the superposition with cooperative diversity, and chooses the right parameters in both schemes to enhance the system's multicast capability. This study also derives an exact closed-form expression of the average multicast group throughput in case of Rayleigh flat fading channel. The closed-form expression allows system designers to choose the correct cooperation and superposition parameters to satisfy the network operator needs. Simulations show that, in addition to the additional degrees of freedom resulting from using cooperation with superposition, the proposed scheme outperforms the conservative scheme and schemes solely exploiting cooperative relaying or superposition. Simulations show that the new scheme can increase the average network throughput more than four times compared to the conservative scheme.

Elshafiy, A., M. A. El-Motaz, M. E. Farag, O. A. Nasr, and H. A. H. Fahmy, "On Optimization of Mixed-Radix FFT: A Signal Processing Approach", 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC): IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2019. Abstract
Fatouh, A. M., and O. A. Nasr, "New Semi-Supervised and Active Learning Combination Technique for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE), pp. 181 - 185, 12-15 Aug. 2018. Abstract


Hamdy, M., O. A. Nasr, and A. F. Shalash, "ASIP design of a reconfigurable channel estimator for OFDM systems", Microelectronics (ICM), 2011 International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1–5, 2011. Abstract
Hamdy, A., F. Digham, O. A. Nasr, and H. - A. M. Mourad, "Automatic detection of jammer interference in GSM networks", 2018 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering (ITCE): IEEE, pp. 248-252, 2018. Abstract
Hassan, M. H., and O. A. Nasr, "Adaptive spectrum sensing of wireless microphones with noise uncertainty", Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 445–450, 2011. Abstract
Hegazy, R., O. Nasr, and H. Kamal, "Optimization of user behavior based handover using fuzzy Q-learning for LTE networks", Wireless Networks, pp. 1-15, 2016. Abstractoptimization-ho-rana.pdfWebsite

In LTE networks, handover optimization is necessary to enhance the users’ satisfaction. Specifically, users using real time traffic need to experience continuous connectivity. Hence, radio link failures (RLFs) severely affect their quality of experience. Decreasing the RLFs for non-real time users is not as urgent as the case of real time users. On the other hand, a total network collapse can happen in case of too much unnecessary handovers (ping-pongs). In this work, fuzzy Q-learning is used to optimize the two contradictory handover problems, which are RLFs and ping-pongs. The former needs to decrease Handover Margin (HOM) to reduce the too late handover, and the latter needs to increase the HOM to reduce the unnecessary signaling. In the developed algorithm, the users in the network are divided into four categories, according to their speed and the data traffic used. This increases the satisfaction of some users, while keeping the overall handover problems within acceptable limits. For each category of users, fuzzy Q-learning is applied with a different initial candidate fuzzy actions. The proposed technique shows the best performance for each category of users in terms of the most preferred metric, either decreasing RLF or decreasing ping-pongs, for this category of users in comparison with two other literature techniques, or without using any optimization technique. Moreover, the algorithm is robust against changes in the number of users in the system, as it maintains the best solution when the number of users is halved or even doubled.

Hegazy, R. D., and O. A. Nasr, "A user behavior based handover optimization algorithm for LTE networks", Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2015 IEEE: IEEE, pp. 1255–1260, 2015. Abstract
Ibrahem, M. A., and O. A. Nasr, "ROXY: Receiver as proxy VANET routing protocol in urban area", Radio Science Conference (NRSC), 2016 33rd National: IEEE, pp. 290–299, 2016. Abstract
Kishk, M. A., O. A. Nasr, and M. M. Khairy, "A framework for data storage algorithms in cognitive radio sensor networks", Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2015 IEEE: IEEE, pp. 884–889, 2015. Abstract
Madawy, K. E., H. Rashed, A. El Sallab, O. Nasr, H. Kamel, and S. Yogamani, "Rgb and lidar fusion based 3d semantic segmentation for autonomous driving", arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00208, 2019. Abstract
Maher, R., and O. A. Nasr, "DropStore: A Secure Backup System Using Multi-Cloud and Fog Computing", IEEE Access, vol. 9: IEEE, pp. 71318-71327, 2021. Abstract
Mohammed, E., M. Abdou, and A. O. Nasr, "End-to-end deep path planning and automatic emergency braking camera cocoon-based solution", Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), 2019. Abstract