Personal Information:
- Marital status: Marrid.
- Nationality: Egyptian.
- Age: 32.
- Cairo University Faculty of Science.
- Bachelor of Science (2006).
- Department of geophysics.
- Grade: Very good.
- Pre-Master Degree in Seismic.
- Master Degree in Seismic inversion and seismic attributes
- (Accepted by Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland).
- Pre-PhD Degree in geophysics.
- PhD in geophysics
- Title of PhD thesis "Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Reservoir, Zeit Bay Oil Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt"
Published Papers:
- Utilizing statistical zonation technique and Duncan's multiple range test in the performance study of Kareem dolomite reservoir, Zeit Bay Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, American Journal of Science and Technology, 2014; 1(5): 254-270.
- Flow Units Delineation of Multiple Hydrocarbon Reservoirs using Hydraulic Zonation Technique via cluster analysis algorithm, Zeit Bay Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, 2016,Arabian journal of Geoscience, DOI: 10.1007/s12517-016-2462-2.
- An Innovative Method of utilizing 3D Separated Seismic Lines to Delineate Impedance and Velocity Data via Inversion and Merge Techniques, Zeit Bay Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, accepted in Geoscience Data Journal (2017). doi: 10.1002/gdj3.41, Publisher:John Wiley & Sons. (Thomson Reuters Impact factor 2.8)
Computer Skills:
- Operating system (windows, Linux).
- C++
- Office package (2003), (2007).
- Access (making small data bases).
- Geophysical softwares:
- Petrel package.
- Hampson-Russell package (Strata,Promac,Emerge,Elog,and View 3D).
Awards received:
Schlumberger Certificate for Distinguished student (2002)