



Noha Nagah Nassar







Pharmacology and Toxicology  Department, Faculty  of Pharmacy Cairo University




Date of birth





Degrees Obtained


Dates (from – to )

Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences (Pharmacology).

Dissertation title: “


”. Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University, NC, USA

Dec 2006

BSc (Pharmaceutical Sciences)

May 1998


Conferences, Seminars & Workshops

Dates (from – to)

54th Annual Conference of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, British University In Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

December 20th , 2014.

17th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Cape Town, South Africa

July 13-18, 2014

5th International  Scientific Conference of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University “Pharmacy at the Cuttimg Edge: Facing the Future Challenges”

April 23-24, 2014.


10th National Conference for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

24-26 March, 2013

53rd  Annual Conference of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, British University In Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

April 13,  2013.

Experimental Biology 2013, Boston, USA

April, 20-24 2013.

10th Annual Conference “Diabetes: Gut and Liver” Managing Diabetes and Liver Diseases Association Consensus Development

September18-19, 2013

Experimental Biology,  Washington DC,  USA

April 9-13, 2011

BPS winter Meeting, London


December,  2010..

2nd  International  Scientific Conference of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University “Quality Assurance in Pharmacy Education”

April 26, 2010

Experimental Biology 2010,  Anaheim, CA

April 24-28, 2018

Society for Neuroscience, East Carolina Chapter , East Carolina University 2009

Nov 23, 2009

The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society (31st ) Meeting, Cairo, Egypt

December 23-25,  2008

Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego, CA, USA



April 5-9,  2008

East Carolina chapter of the Society for Neuroscience VIII annual meeting, Greenville, North Carolina, 2006



July, 2008

Society for Neuroscience Atlanta, Georgia, USA


14-18 Oct,2006

Experimental Biology 2006, Sanfransisco, CA, USA


April 1-6, 2006

Experimental Biology 2005, San Diego, CA, USA.

April 2–6,2005

Experimental Biology 2004,  Washington, DC, USA

April 17-21, 2004

IUPAR, Sanfrancisco, 2001




Training courses attended:

Training Courses


Methods of Assessment  organized by DAAD Kairo Akademie

Dec, 2014

Proposal Writing Post Docs organized by DAAD Kairo Akademie

October 2014

Understanding learning process workshop organized by   DAAD Kairo Akademie

April, 2014

How to present scientific data workshop organized by  DAAD Kairo Akademie

May 2008

From Active Learning to Learning by Research  organized by  DAAD Kairo Akademie

December 2012

Bioinformatics, BTC-003 held at Biotechnology Centre, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University

April 3-6, 2013

Recent Advanced in Natural Products and  Biotechnology  organized by the Natural Products Centre at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University in Partnership  with the Institute of Natural Medicine, Japan

October, 2012

Clinical Pharmacy Seminar Series  organized by MIU and The University of Georgia School of Pharmacy

December 2010

Common Intoxicants “ Prevention and Treatment” Organised by the National Egyptian Centre of clinical and Environmental Toxicological Research

November 2010

Patient Counselling in Pharmacy Practice  MIU and The University of Georgia School of Pharmacy

Feb 2010

Hospital Pharmacy: Antimicrobial Stewardship & the Formulary Process organized by MIU and The University of Georgia School of Pharmacy





Employment history






Dates (from – to )

Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo university

Associate Professor

July 2012- Now

Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo university


March 2007 – July 2012

Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo university


October 1998 – December2003




  • International publication awards. (2008, -2013).
  • Recipient of the best department publication 2012
  • Recipient of the Valentine Award for Best Record of Achievement by the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, North Carolina, USA


  • Recipient of the Society for Neuroscience Student Travel Award supported by Eli Lilly Co and the Vernon Rowland Memorial Fund 2004
  • Recipient of American society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics graduate student travel award. EB 2004
  • 1998 Certificate of academic excellence in pharmaceutical Sciences; Cairo University, Egypt
  • 1997 Certificate of academic excellence in pharmaceutical Sciences; Cairo University, Egypt
  • 1996 Certificate of academic excellence in pharmaceutical Sciences; Cairo University, Egypt



  • Doctoral Student Association: 2003-2006
  • The American Physiological Society: 2004-2006
  • The Society for Neuroscience: 2004-present
  • The American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics: 2003-present
  • The Egyptian Society of Pharmacilogy and Experimental Therapeutics
  • The Sigma Xi Society (East Carolina University Chapter; by nomination) 2004-2006
  • American Heart Association: 2005-2007
  • The Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi: 2005-2006
  • AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science, 2006
  • Member of the Egyptian Pharmacists Syndicate.


  • Member of the “Performance Appraisal and Quality Assurance Unit at Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University” (PAQU-PHARM)
  • Chair of the Pharmacology and Toxicology Equipment and Device Committee at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University


Scientific Publications:

1-KhayyalMT, El-GhazalyMA, Abdallah DM, Nassar NN, Okpanyi SN, Kreuter M-H. Blood pressure lowering effect of an olive leaf extract (Oleaeuropaea) in L-NAME induced hypertension in rats. Arzneimittelforschung, 52: 797-802 (2002) [Germany].

2- Nassar NN and Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman. Central adenosine signaling plays a key role in centrally mediated hypotension in conscious aortic-barodenervated rats. J Pharmacol ExpTher 2006 Jul;318(1):255-61

3- Nassar NN and Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman. Central adenosine signaling plays a key role in centrally mediated hypotension in conscious aortic-barodenervated rats. J Pharmacol ExpTher 2006 Jul;318(1):255-61

4- Nassar NN and Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman . Brainstem phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2-nitric-oxide synthase signaling mediates the adenosine A2A-dependent hypotensive action of clonidine in conscious aortic barodenervated rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2008 Jan;324(1):79-85. Epub 2007 Oct 12.

5- Brainstem Adenosine A1 Receptor Signaling Masks Phosphorylated ERK1/2 Dependent Hypotensive Action of Clonidine in Conscious Normotensive Rats. Nassar NN, Abdel-Rahman AA. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2009 Jan;328(1):83-9. Epub 2008 Oct 10.

6- El-Mowafy AM, Alkhalaf MNassar NN. Resveratrol reverses ET-1-evoked mitogenic effects in human coronary arterial cells by activating the kinase-G to inhibit ERK-enzymes.Int J Cardiol. 2009 Aug 21;136(3):263-9. Epub 2008 Jul 24.


     7- Safinaz S Ibrahim, Nassar NN. Diallyl sulfide protects against N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced liver tumorigenesis: Role of aldose reductase.World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Oct 28;14(40):6145-6153

8- Mona F.Schaalan, Nassar NN, Mohammed F. El-yamany, Waleed A. Mohamed Role of Pioglitazone, Simvastatin and Their Combination In Ameliorating Complications of High Fructose Diet. The New Egyptian Journal of Medicine Vol.:40 ; No.: 2 Supplement 1st February 2009

9- El-Maraghy SA, Nassar NN.Modulatory effects of lipoic acid and selenium against cadmium-induced biochemical alterations in testicular steroidogenesis.J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2011 Jan-Feb;25(1):15-25.


   10- Abdallah DM,Nassar NN, Abd-El-Salam RM. Glibenclamide ameliorates ischemia-reperfusion injury via modulating oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators in the rat hippocampus. .Brain Res. 2011 Apr 18;1385:257-62. Epub 2011 Mar 5.


11- Nassar NN, Schaalan MF, Zaki HF, Abdallah DM. Octreotide ameliorates gastric lesions in chronically mild stressed rats.World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar 7;17(9):1135-42.


12- Mona Schalaan, Nassar NN. Effects of octreotide in chronically mild stressed rats: possible role of immune and oxidative stress pathways.Neurochem Res. 2011 Oct;36(10):1717-23. Epub 2011 May 21.


13- Nassar NN, Li G, Strat AL, Abdel-Rahman AA. Enhanced hemeoxygenase activity in the rostral ventrolateral medulla mediates exaggerated hemin-evoked hypotension in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.J Pharmacol ExpTher. 2011 Oct;339(1):267-74. Epub 2011 Jul 18


14- R. A. Mohamed A. M. Agha Nassar NN.SCH58261 the selective adenosine A2A receptor blocker modulates ischemia reperfusion injury following bilateral carotid occlusion: role of inflammatory mediators. Neurochem Res. 2012 Mar;37(3):538-47. doi: 10.1007/s11064-011-0640-x. Epub 2011 Nov 10.



Nassar NN, Abdelsalam RM, Abdel-Rahman AA, Abdallah DM. Possible involvement of oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators in the protective effects of the early preconditioningwindowagainst  transient global ischemia in rats. Neurochem Res. 2012 Mar;37(3):614-21. doi: 10.1007/s11064-011-0651-7. Epub 2011 Nov 24.


16 Elshazly SM, Abd El Motteleb DM, Nassar NN. The selective 5-LOX inhibitor 11-keto-β-boswellic acid protects against myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in rats: involvement of redox and inflammatory cascades. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2013 Sep;386(9):823-33. doi: 10.1007/s00210-013-0885-9. Epub 2013 Jun 15.


17-  Georgy GS, Nassar NN, Mansour HA, Abdallah DM.  Cerebrolysin Ameloriates Cognitive Deficits in Type III Diabetic Rats. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 19;8(6):e64847. Print 2013.

18- Rasha A. Tawfiq, Noha N. Nassar, Wafaa I. El-Eraky, Ezzeldein S. El-Denshary, Enhanced efficacy and reduced side effects of diazepam by kava combination Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2014, Pages 587-594

19- Arab HH, Al-Shorbagy MY, Abdallah DM, Nassar NN. Telmisartan attenuates colon inflammation, oxidative perturbations and apoptosis in a rat model of experimental inflammatory bowel disease. PLoS One. 2014 May 15;9(5):e97193. doi: 10.13


20-Nassar NN, Al-Shorbagy MY, Arab HH, Abdallah DM. Saxagliptin: A novel antiparkinsonian approach. Neuropharmacology. 2014 Oct 16;89C:308-317


21-Rizk SM, El-Maraghy SA, Nassar NN. A Novel Role for SIRT-1 in L-Arginine Protection against STZ Induced Myocardial Fibrosis in Rats. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 12;9(12):e114560


22- Noha N. Nassar, Abdel A. Abdel-RahmanBrainstem adenosine receptors modulate centrally mediated hypotensive responses in conscious rats Review Articleournal of Advanced Research, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 18 December 2014
