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El Hadidi, N. M. N., and S. S. Darwish, "The use of acids and bases in cleaning archaeological wood", Giza Through Ages, Studies in Conservation, Environment and Tourism, vol. 2, Cairo University, Faculty of Archaeology , pp. 43-60, 2008. acids_and_alkalis.pdf
Hamed, S. A. M., and E. H. N. M. N., "The Use of SEM-EDX Investigations in Estimating The Penetration Depth of Preparation Layers Within Wood Structure ", Advanced Research in Conservation Science, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 1-15, 2020. arcs_volume_1_issue_1_pages_1-15.pdf
Hamed, S. A. M., M. F. ALI, and E. N. M. N. Hadidi, "Using SEM in monitoring changes in archaeological wood: A review", Current microscopy contributions to advances in science and technology , Badajoz, Microscopy Book Series, 2012. sem_review.pdf