
Email: n.eltazi at

PhD, Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Egypt Jointly with University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

2005 – 2010

Joint PhD scholarship between University of Michigan and Cairo University.

PhD Thesis Title: Efficient XML Query Processing. Focusing on Structural joins and Twig query processing.

Masters, Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Egypt

2001 – 2003

Masters Thesis Title: 

Query Processing Techniques in the Web Environment

Created a new storage structure for storing XML to be able to accelerate XML queries. I also used this new structure to store the XML documents in relational database and query these documents using XPath queries which are automatically transformed to SQL queries that run on the RDBMS and return the XML result.

BSc,  Faculty of Computers and Information, Information Systems Department, Cairo University, Egypt

1997 - 2001