Database Design - 2019

Course Description

This course aims to provide the students with knowledge and skills needed to design relational database schemas ( conceptual and logical design). Design issues related to new database models are also considered. Relational database tuning is taken into consideration after the design concepts are illustrated through the course.

Text Book

Fundamentals of Database Systems (6th Edition)
Ramez Elmasri (Author), Shamkant Navathe (Author)

Azzam, A., N. Tazi, and A. H. Hossny, "Text-based question routing for question answering communities via deep learning", Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, {SAC} 2017, Marrakech, Morocco, April 3-7, 2017, pp. 1674–1678, 2017. Abstract
-, A. E., N. El Tazi, and E. Ezzat, "Building Relation Extraction Templates via Unsupervised Learning", Proceedings of the 21st International Database Engineering {&} Applications Symposium, {IDEAS} 2017, Bristol, United Kingdom, July 12-14, 2017, pp. 228–234, 2017. Abstract
Boghdady, M., and N. E. -, "Clink - {A} Novel Record Linkage Methodology based on Graph Interactions", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, {DATA} 2017, Madrid, Spain, July 24-26, 2017., pp. 165–171, 2017. Abstract
Azzam, A., N. Tazi, and A. H. Hossny, "A Question Routing Technique Using Deep Neural Network for Communities of Question Answering", Database Systems for Advanced Applications - 22nd International Conference, {DASFAA} 2017, Suzhou, China, March 27-30, 2017, Proceedings, Part {I}, pp. 35–49, 2017. Abstract
Saleh, I., and N. E. -, "Automatic Organization of Semantically Related Tags Using Topic Modelling", New Trends in Databases and Information Systems - {ADBIS} 2017 Short Papers and Workshops, AMSD, BigNovelTI, DAS, SW4CH, DC, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 24-27, 2017, Proceedings, pp. 235–245, 2017. Abstract
Saleh, I., and N. E. -, "Finding Semantic Relationships in Folksonomies", 2018 {IEEE/WIC/ACM} International Conference on Web Intelligence, {WI} 2018, Santiago, Chile, December 3-6, 2018, pp. 174–181, 2018. Abstract
Megid, Y. A., N. E. -, and A. Fahmy, "Using Functional Dependencies in Conversion of Relational Databases to Graph Databases", Database and Expert Systems Applications - 29th International Conference, {DEXA} 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 3-6, 2018, Proceedings, Part {II}, pp. 350–357, 2018. Abstract
Khaled, S., N. E. -, and H. M. O. Mokhtar, "Detecting Fake Accounts on Social Media", {IEEE} International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2018, Seattle, WA, USA, December 10-13, 2018, pp. 3672–3681, 2018. Abstract

Database Design IS414- 2018


Course Description

This course aims to provide the students with knowledge and skills needed to design relational database schemas ( conceptual and logical design). Design issues related to new database models are also considered. Relational database tuning is taken into consideration after the design concepts are illustrated through the course.

Teaching Assistants

Eng. Ali Zidan , Eng. Ibrahim Gomaa and Eng. Mona Khamis
