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Hassan, M. A., S. Serra, S. Sochard, H. Viot, F. Marias, and J. - M. Reneaume, "Optimal scheduling of energy storage in district heating networks using nonlinear programming", Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 295: Pergamon, pp. 117652, 2023. Abstract
Al-Ghussain, L., A. D. Ahmad, A. M. Abubaker, M. A. Mohamed, M. A. Hassan, and N. K. Akafuah, "Optimal sizing of country-scale renewable energy systems towards green transportation sector in developing countries", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 39: Elsevier, pp. 102442, 2022. Abstract
Abdel-Mawla, M. A., M. A. Hassan, A. Khalil, and M. T. Araji, "Optimizing the characteristic cooling curves of PCM-integrated thermally active buildings: Experimental and numerical investigations", Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 89: Elsevier, pp. 111748, 2024. Abstract
Al-Ghussain, L., O. Taylan, M. Abujubbeh, and M. A. Hassan, "Optimizing the orientation of solar photovoltaic systems considering the effects of irradiation and cell temperature models with dust accumulation", Solar Energy, vol. 249: Pergamon, pp. 67-80, 2023. Abstract