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M.Shokry, A. S. El-Karim, M.El-Keiey, and M.Ismail, "Lysozyme activity as a parameter of tarsitis in horses", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 11, pp. 227-229, 1984. lysozyme_activity_as_a_parameter.pdf
M.Shokry, and M.El-Keiey, "Lye detergent as a cause of parenchymatous keratitis in a dog", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 10, pp. 159-162, 1983. lye_detergent_as_a_cause_of_parenchymatour_keratitis_in_a_dog.pdf
K.A.Farag, A. Berbish, N.Senna, and M.Shokry, "A long-term injectable anaesthesia with a combination of midazolam, ketamine, xylazine and propofol in pigs", Vet. Med.J. Giza, vol. 46, pp. 589-597, 1998. a_long_term_injectable_anaesthesia.pdf