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شكرى, محمد, الكلاب ورعايتها, , القاهرة, دار الفكر العربى, 2012. dogs.pdf
شكرى, محمد, القطط ورعايتها, , القاهرة, دار الفكر العربى, 2012. cats.pdf
شكرى, محمد, الخيول ورعايتها, , القاهرة, دار الفكر العربى, 2012. horses.pdf
شكرى, محمد, الابل ورعايتها, , القاهرة, دار الفكر العربى, 2012. camels.pdf
M.Shokry, F.El-Nady, and s. Gadallah, Veterinary orthopedic guidlines on a dog skeleton in combination with educational multimedia program, : faculty of veterinary medicine, surgery department, 2002. e-learning_software.pdf
M.Shokry, F.Elnady, and s. Gadallah, "Veterinary orthopedic guidlines on a dog ", Vet. Med.J. Giza, vol. 50, pp. 501-522, 2002. veterinary_orthopedic_guidlines_on_a_dog_skeletal_model.pdf
M.M.Shokry, "Unilateral rupture of the serratus ventralis muscle in a filly", Journal of Coastal Life Medicinde, vol. 4, pp. 930-931, 2016.
M.Shokry, and E. A. Berbish, "Ultrasound-Guided Paravertebral Regional Anesthesia in Water", Journal of Buffalo Science, vol. 1, pp. 107-109, 2012. pva_in_buffaloes.pdf
M.M.Amim, M.Shokry, and S. A. El-Karim, "Transaminase activity in sera of Egyptian tuberculus buffaloes", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 3, pp. 191-194, 1976. transaminase_activity_in_tuberculous_buffaloes.pdf
A.H.El-Sheikh, and M.M.Shokry, "Surgical treatment of obstructive colic in equines", Egypt.Vet.Med.J. Faculty of Vet.Medicine, Cairo University , vol. 24, pp. 87-92, 1976. surgical_treatment_of_obstructive_colic_in_equines.pdf
M.F.Abdel-Wahab, A.A.Farahat, and M.Shokry, "Studies on the erythropenic effect of propionyl-promazine "Combelen" in dogs", Acta Vetetrinaria (Beograd), vol. 25, pp. 301-305, 1975. studies_on_the_erythropenic_effect_of.pdf
M.Shokry, H.M.Morad, and I. A. Khalil, "Studies on the effect of Rompun in sheep", Veter, vol. 2, pp. 237-243, 1976. rompun_in_sheep.pdf
A.H.El-Sheikh, and M.M.Shokry, "Spontaneous ruture of the bladder following urethral calculosis in bull calves", J. of Egypt.Vet. Med Ass., vol. 33, pp. 217-224, 1973. spontaneous_rupture_of_the_bladder.pdf
M.Shokry, "A simplified technique of sacro-iliac analgesia in horses", 30th Annual Congress of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain (ESRA), Dresden, Germany, 7 September, 2011. a_simplified_technique_of_sacro-iliac_regional_analgesia_in_hor.pdf
H.M.Morad, M.Shokry, and A. Hassanein, "Serum biochemical measurements of Egyptian buffaloes following administration of Rompun* and Combelen*", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 5, pp. 315-324, 1979. serum_biochemical_measurements_of_egyptian_buffaloes.pdf
M.M.Shokry, and L. M. B. Ali, "Scrotal urethrostomy for strangulated paraphimosis in a dog", Vet. Med.J. Giza, vol. 56, pp. 57-62, 2008. paraphimosis_in_a_dog.pdf
M.Shokry, Sarcoids in Equines, , Banhoferstr.28, Germany,, 2017.
M.Shokry, Sarcoids in Equines, , Bahnhofstr.28, Germany,, 2017.
M., S., "Sacroiliac Regional Analgesia and Therapy in Show Jumping Horses", Journal of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 1-2, 2016.
Shokry, M., "Sacroiliac Regional Analgesia and Therapy in Show Jumping Horses", Journal 0f Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 1-2, 2016.