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M.Shokry, and A.Soliman, "A trial on a surgical treatment of colon invagination in a donkey", Egypt.Vet.Med.J. Faculty of Vet.Medicine, Cairo University , vol. 22, pp. 187-190, 1974. colon_invagination_in_a_donkey.pdf
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M.Shokry, and M.F.Mahfouz, "Anaesthesia of the foot in buffaloes", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 11, pp. 193-197, 1983. foot_anesthesia_in_buffaloes.pdf
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M.Shokry, M.Barakat, E.Sheta, and N.Senna, "Anatomic predisposition to strangulated obstructive colic in equine", J.Egypt.Vet.Med.Ass., vol. 60, pp. 107-111, 2000. anatonic_predisposition_to_obstructive_colic_in_equines.pdf
M.Shokry, M.Barakat, E.Sheta, and N.Sena, "Anatomic predisposition to strangulated obstructive colic in equine", Congres de medecine et chirurgie equine, Geneve, Switzerland, pp. 157, 1997. congres_de_medecine_et_chirurgie_equine_geneve.pdf
M.Shokry, and E.Berbish, "Apocrine secretory adenoma in a 2-5 year old male great dane dog", Journal of Animal Research, vol. 3, pp. 261-263, 2013. apocrine_adenoma.pdf
A.H.El-Sheikh, and M.M.Shokry, "Approach towards a simplified technique for aseptic castration in equines", J.Egypt.Vet.Med.Ass., vol. 33, pp. 211-215, 1973. aseptic_castration_in_equines.pdf
M.Shokry, "Ataractica and Veterinaria", Vet. Med.J. Giza, vol. 22, pp. 295-299, 1973. ataractica_and_veterinarya.pdf
MM, S., M. AA, T. A, and E. - S. M, "Autologous Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Tendon Repair in Horses: Experimental Study", Journal of Biotechnology & Bioresearch, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 1-11, 2021.
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M.Shokry, E.Berbish, and E.Sheta, "Bilateral hip dysplasia in a male native kid", Minufiya Vet. J., vol. 4, pp. 297-299, 2006. bilateral_hip_dysplasia.pdf
M.Shokry, and A.H.El-Sheikh, "calf blood extract in treatment of equine foot lesions", Modern Veterinary Practice, vol. 56, pp. 831, 1975. calf_blood_extract.pdf
Shokry, M., "Camel-Derived Haemoglobin, A New Blood Substitute and Oxygen Therapeutic", Hematology & Hemotherapy Journal HJHH, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 1-5, 2017.
Shokry, M., and A. Elkassapy, "Caudal Epidural Xylazine or Xylazine/ Lidocaine combination in Camels(Camelus Dromedarius) and its Reversal by Atipamezole", Archives of Veterinary Science and Medicine, vol. 4, issue 4, pp. 103-110, 2021.
E.A.Ashour, E.A.Brbish, A.Osman, and M.M.Shokry, Cecal lymphoma in a male Rottweiler, : international journal of clinical case reports and reviews, pp. 1-4, July/24, 2021.
M.Shokry, E.Naoum, I.El-Husseini, and A.Battor, "Clinical survey of equine sarcoids in Egypt.", Issues in Biological Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research , vol. 3, pp. 86-93, 2015.
M.Shoukry, M.El-Keiey, M.Hamouda, and Sh.Gadalla, "Commercial polyester fabric (CPF) repair of abdominal hernias and defects in domestic animals", European Society of Veterinary Surgery(ESVS), Berlin - Germany, pp. 1-5, 1996. european_society_of_veterinary_surgery.pdf
M.Shoukry, M.El-Keiey, M.Hamouda, and G. S, "Commercial polyester fabric repair of abdominal hernias and defects", The Veterinary Record, vol. 140, pp. 606-607, 1997. comercial_polyester_fabrics_repair.pdf
K.Fouad, and M.Shokry, "Comparative studies of tranquillisers and sedatives in buffaloes", Veterinary Medical Review, vol. 4, pp. 332-335, 1973. tranquilizers_in_buffaloes.pdf
A.Soliman, A.S.Ahmed, M.El-Keiey, and M.Shokry, "Complementary studies on gangrenous mastits in goats", J. of Egypt.Vet. Med Ass., vol. 44, pp. 167, 1984. gangarenous_mastitis_in_goats.pdf
M.Shokry, M. A. A. el-Hamid, A.S.Ahmed, and M.T.El-Keiey, "Contribution to the nasolacrimal duct of buffaloes", Buffalo Journal, vol. 1, pp. 71-76, 1985. contribution_to_nasolacrimal_duct_in_buffaloes.pdf