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M.Shokry, M.El-Keiey, K.Farag, and H.M.Miniawy, "Morphohistologic studies on entire segment cortical bone allografts in experimental dogs", J. of Egypt.Vet. Med Ass., vol. 60, pp. 67-85, 2000. morphohistological_studies_on_entire_segment_cortical_allograft.pdf
M.Shokry, "A simplified technique of sacro-iliac analgesia in horses", 30th Annual Congress of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain (ESRA), Dresden, Germany, 7 September, 2011. a_simplified_technique_of_sacro-iliac_regional_analgesia_in_hor.pdf
M.Shokry, Sarcoids in Equines, , Banhoferstr.28, Germany,, 2017.
M.Shokry, and A.Hassanein, "Preputial melnoma in a crossbred gelding", Internatinal Journal of Science and Research Archive, vol. 10, issue 01, pp. 014-017, 2023. preputial_melanoma.pdf
M.Shokry, H.M.Morad, and I. A. Khalil, "Studies on the effect of Rompun in sheep", Veter, vol. 2, pp. 237-243, 1976. rompun_in_sheep.pdf
M.Shokry, and A.H.El-Sheikh, "calf blood extract in treatment of equine foot lesions", Modern Veterinary Practice, vol. 56, pp. 831, 1975. calf_blood_extract.pdf
M.Shokry, and L. B. Ali, "Prevalence of periodontal disease ib default of dental hygiene in dogs", 18th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 146-149, 2009. prevalence_of_periodontal_disease.pdf
M.Shokry, I.M.Ibrahim, A.S.Ahmed, and A. M. A. Hamid, "Preferred suture material in repair of rectovestibular lacerations in mares", Modern Veterinary practice, vol. 67, pp. 546, 1986. prefered_suture_material_for_rectovestiobular_laceration_in_mar.pdf
M.Shokry, "Regional Anaesthesia in Buffaloes (Review)", 14th European Society of Veterinary Surgery Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 109-112, 1982. regional_anaesthesia_in_buffaloes.pdf
M.Shokry, and A.Al-Kasapy, "): Prevailence of Dental Disorders in", International journal of Current Research, vol. 7, issue 12, pp. 24420-24423, 2015.
M.Shokry, and E.Berbish, "Apocrine secretory adenoma in a 2-5 year old male great dane dog", Journal of Animal Research, vol. 3, pp. 261-263, 2013. apocrine_adenoma.pdf
M.Shokry, A. S. El-Karim, M.El-Keiey, and M.Ismail, "Lysozyme activity as a parameter of tarsitis in horses", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 11, pp. 227-229, 1984. lysozyme_activity_as_a_parameter.pdf
M.Shokry, "Ataractica and Veterinaria", Vet. Med.J. Giza, vol. 22, pp. 295-299, 1973. ataractica_and_veterinarya.pdf
M.Shokry, F.El-Nady, and s. Gadallah, Veterinary orthopedic guidlines on a dog skeleton in combination with educational multimedia program, : faculty of veterinary medicine, surgery department, 2002. e-learning_software.pdf
M.Shokry, Sarcoids in Equines, , Bahnhofstr.28, Germany,, 2017.
M.Shokry, and A.Hassanein, "Preputial melnoma in a crossbred gelding", Internatinal Journal of Science and Research Archive, vol. 10, issue 01, pp. 014-017, 2023. preputial_melanoma.pdf
M.Shokry, and M.F.Mahfouz, "Anaesthesia of the foot in buffaloes", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 11, pp. 193-197, 1983. foot_anesthesia_in_buffaloes.pdf
M.Shokry, and M.El-Keiey, "Lye detergent as a cause of parenchymatous keratitis in a dog", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 10, pp. 159-162, 1983. lye_detergent_as_a_cause_of_parenchymatour_keratitis_in_a_dog.pdf