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Ashour, G., and M. Shafie, "Water balance in riverine buffaloes. I-Mobilization of body fluids under heat and dehydration stresses", PUBLICATION-EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTION, vol. 62: PUDOC-CENTRE AGRIC PUBL AND DOCUMENTATION, pp. 194-194, 1993. Abstract
Ashour, G., M. Shafie, and H. Morad, "Water balance in riverine buffaloes. II-Role of buffalo rumen in balance of body fluids", PUBLICATION-EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTION, vol. 62: PUDOC-CENTRE AGRIC PUBL AND DOCUMENTATION, pp. 213-213, 1993. Abstract
Ashour, G., H. Morad, H. Khalifa, and M. Shafie, "Water balance in riverine buffaloes. III-Seasonal changes in water turnover as related to heat regulation", PUBLICATION-EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTION, vol. 62: PUDOC-CENTRE AGRIC PUBL AND DOCUMENTATION, pp. 213-213, 1993. Abstract
Kamar, G. A. R., M. M. H. El-Shafie, M. M. El-Nadi, and M. S. Samy, "Weight charges in the reproductive organs of the Fayoumi and Rhode Island Red hens and its relation to dietary supplemented calcium levels [Egypt]", Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 10, 1982. Abstract