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Wissam, F., P. Szabó, M. S. A. EL-Kader, and M. Gustafsson, "Molecular dynamics calculations of collision-induced absorption in a gas mixture of neon and krypton", Journal of Chemical physics, vol. 152, pp. 234302, 2020.
M.S.A.El-Kader, and G.Maroulis, "Moment analysis in collision-induced absorption: Determination of a single parameter empirical model for the induced dipole moment of He-Ar gas mixtures", Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering , vol. 21, pp. 577-592, 2021.
M.S.A.El-Kader, and S.M.El-Sheikh, "MULTIPROPERTY EMPIRICAL ANISOTROPIC INTERMOLECULAR POTENTIAL FOR CF4-Ar", Journal of Engineering and applied Science, vol. 45, issue 6, pp. 865-879, 1998.
M.S.A.El-Kader, "Multiproperty empirical isotropic interatomic potentials for CH4–inert gas mixtures", Journal of Advanced Research, vol. 4, issue 6, pp. 501-508, 2013.