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J.-L.Godet, and M.S.A.El-Kader, "Analysis and Modeling of Spectral Line Shapes of Collision-Induced Light Scattering of Gaseous Xenon", Journal of Molecular Physics, vol. 2, pp. 19-31, 2022.
M.S.A.El-Kader, "An Approximate Empirical anisotropic multi-parameter Intermolecular Potential for CF4–He", Egypt.J.Phys., vol. 35, issue 2, pp. 293-310, 2004.
M.S.A.El-Kader, S.M.El-Sheikh, and R.Mehrem, "An Approximate Empirical Intermolecular Potential for CF4–Ar", Z.Phys.Chem., vol. 216, pp. 763-773, 2002.
M.S.A.El-Kader, "An approximate multi-property empirical isotropic interatomic pair potential for the krypton dimer", Molecular Physics, vol. 101, issue 16, pp. 2615-2624, 2003.