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M.S.A.El-Kader, and S.M.El-Sheikh, "Three-body spectral moments for collision-induced light scattering by octahedral and tetrahedral molecules", Line Shapes Vol.11, 15th ICSLS, Berlin, Germany, 2000.
M.S.A.El-Kader, "Thermophysical properties and collision-induced light scattering as a probe for gaseous helium interatomic potentials", Molecular Physics, vol. 111, issue 2, pp. 307-320, 2013. Abstract

Isotropic and anisotropic collision-induced light scattering spectra of helium gas at room temperature 294.5 K and at 99.6 K with the second pressure virial coefficients, second acoustic virial coefficients, viscosity and thermal conductivity have been used for deriving the empirical models of the pair-polarizability trace and anisotropy and the interaction potential. Theoretical zeroth and second moments of the binary spectra using various models for the pair-polarizabilities and interatomic potential are compared with the experimental values performed by Le Duff's group. In addition, third pressure virial coefficients, isotopic thermal factors, self diffusion coefficients, second virial dielectric constants and second Kerr coefficients calculated for these models are compared with experimental ones. The results show that these models are the most accurate models reported to date for this system.

M.S.A.El-Kader, and B.M.Taher, "Thermodynamic, Transport and Collision-Induced Light Scattering Data of Xenon Gas Simultaneously Fitted by an Isotropic Interatomic Potential", Z.Phys.Chem., vol. 217, issue 9, pp. 1127-1141, 2003. Abstract

An approximate empirical isotropic interatomic potential for xenon interaction is developed by simultaneously fitting the Morse-Morse-Morse Spline van der Waals potential form to interaction second pressure virial coefficient, viscosity, thermal conductivity and depolarized interaction-induced light scattering data. Absolute zeroth and second moments of the two-body depolarized spectrum have been measured and compared with theoretical calculations using various models for the interatomic potential. In additions, vibrational energy levels, third pressure virial coefficient and self-diffusion calculated for the new potential are compared with experimental ones. The results show that it is the most accurate potentials yet reported for this system. The use of the new potential in lattice sum calculations yields good results for several properties of solid xenon.

M.S.A.El-Kader, "Theoretical Calculation of the Rototranslational Collision-Induced Absorption (CIA) Spectra in O2–O2 Pairs", (Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie) Z.Phys.Chem., vol. 230, issue 8, pp. 1099-1109, 2016.
J.-L.Godet, and M.S.A.El-Kader, "Study of the weakly bound pair Helium–Krypton: Interatomic potential, interaction hyperpolarizabilities and hyperRayleigh spectra", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 306, pp. 108641, 2023.
M.S.A.El-Kader, G.Maroulis, and T.Bancewicz, "Spectral lineshapes of collision-induced absorption (CIA) using isotropic intermolecular potential for N2-CH4", Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering , vol. 21, pp. 1063–1078, 2021.
M.S.A.El-Kader, "Spectral line-shapes and moment analysis in isotropic and anisotropic light scattering spectra for gaseous argon ", Molecular Physics, vol. 109, issue 6, pp. 863-873, 2011.
M.S.A.El-Kader, J.-L.Godet, A.A.El-Sadek, and G.Maroulis, "Spectral line shapes of collision-induced light scattering (CILS) and collision-induced absorption (CIA) using isotropic intermolecular potential for H2–Ar", Molecular Physics, vol. 115, pp. 2614-2625, 2017.
M.S.A.El-Kader, "Quadrupole polarizabilities of the rare-gas homonuclear diatoms and methane molecules ", Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, vol. 10, pp. 243-249, 2010.
M.S.A.El-Kader, "On high pressure phase transitions in solid methane", Chemical Physics, vol. 277, pp. 77-81, 2002.
M.S.A.El-Kader, and G.Maroulis, "New insights into collision-induced rototranslational absorption and scattering spectra of gaseous methane at different temperatures", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, vol. 281, pp. 28-39, 2012.
M.S.A.El-Kader, and G.Maroulis, "New Insights from an Empirical Multi-Property Interatomic Potential and Predicted Collision-induced Light Scattering Spectra for Hg-rare Gas van der Waals Complexes", (Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie) Z.Phys.Chem., vol. 230, issue 1, pp. 15-34, 2016.
M.S.A.El-Kader, "Multiproperty empirical isotropic interatomic potentials for CH4–inert gas mixtures", Journal of Advanced Research, vol. 4, issue 6, pp. 501-508, 2013.
M.S.A.El-Kader, and S.M.El-Sheikh, "MULTIPROPERTY EMPIRICAL ANISOTROPIC INTERMOLECULAR POTENTIAL FOR CF4-Ar", Journal of Engineering and applied Science, vol. 45, issue 6, pp. 865-879, 1998.
M.S.A.El-Kader, and G.Maroulis, "Moment analysis in collision-induced absorption: Determination of a single parameter empirical model for the induced dipole moment of He-Ar gas mixtures", Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering , vol. 21, pp. 577-592, 2021.
Wissam, F., P. Szabó, M. S. A. EL-Kader, and M. Gustafsson, "Molecular dynamics calculations of collision-induced absorption in a gas mixture of neon and krypton", Journal of Chemical physics, vol. 152, pp. 234302, 2020.
M.S.A.El-Kader, and T.Bancewisz, "Lineshapes of collision-induced absorption (CIA) and of collision-induced scattering (CIS) for monatomic gas mixtures of Ne-Ar", Molecular Physics, vol. 109, issue 3, pp. 457-466, 2011.
J.-L.Godet, M.S.A.El-Kader, and M.A.El-Naggar, "Line shapes of isotropic and depolarized CILS spectra of neon : Interaction potential and pair polarizability", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 320, pp. 108990, 2024.