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Moussa, T. A. A., H. S. Al‐Zahrani, N. Kadasa, L. F. Moreno, A. H. G. G. van den Ende, S. G. Hoog, and A. Al‐Hatmi, "Nomenclatural notes on Nadsoniella and the human opportunist black yeast genus Exophiala", Mycoses, 2017. Abstract
Moussa, T., and N. Sabry, "A new proposed mechanism of some known drugs targeting the sars-cov-2 spike glycoprotein using molecular docking", Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, vol. 11, issue 5, pp. 12750-12760, 2020, 2021. Abstract


Moussa, T. A. A., Y. M. Rashad, and Z. A. M. Baka, "New Perspectives on Fungal Siderophores", Plant Mycobiome: Diversity, Interactions and Uses: Springer, pp. 225 - 239, 2023. Abstract