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Abdelhamid, M., F. J. Fortes, J. J. Laserna, and M. A. Harith, "Optical Catapulting Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (OC-LIBS) And Conventional LIBS: A comparative Study", THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LASER APPLICATIONS-ICLA 2011, vol. 1380, no. 1: AIP Publishing, pp. 55–59, 2011. Abstract
Hamdy, O., Z. Abdel-Salam, and M. Abdel-Harith, "Optical Characterization of Biological Tissues Based on Fluorescence, Absorption, and Scattering Properties ", Diagnostics, 2022, 12(11), 2846, 2022.
Azzeer, A. M., A. S. Al-Dwayyan, M. S. Al-Salhi, A. M. Kamal, and M. A. Harith, "Optical probing of laser-induced shock waves in air", Applied Physics B, vol. 63, no. 3: Springer, pp. 307–310, 1996. Abstract