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Abdel-Harith, M., Abdelazeem, R.M., O.Hamdi, and Z. Abdel-Salam, "Adaptive optics-based wavefront-enhanced laser-induced fluorescence (WELIF) for improved analytical performance ", Analytical Methods, 2022, 15(2), pp. 212–220, 2022.
Abdelhamid, M., F. J. Fortes, M. A. Harith, and J. J. Laserna, "Analysis of explosive residues in human fingerprints using optical catapulting–laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy", Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, vol. 26, no. 7: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 1445–1450, 2011. Abstract
Abdel-Kareem, O., A. Khedr, M. Abdelhamid, and M. A. Harith, "Application Of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Technique In Investigation Of Historical Metal Threads", THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LASER APPLICATIONS—ICLA 2009, vol. 1172, no. 1: AIP Publishing, pp. 85–90, 2009. Abstract
Abdel-Salam, Z., S. A. M. Abdel-Salam, and M. A. Harith, "Application of Laser Spectrochemical Analytical Techniques to Follow Up Spoilage of White Meat in Chicken", Food Analytical Methods, 2017. zienab_fam_1.pdf
Salam, A. Z., and M. A. Harith, "Application OF LIBS To Estimate The Age Of Broiler Breeders", THE 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LASER APPLICATIONS-ICLA 2011, vol. 1380, no. 1: AIP Publishing, pp. 107–110, 2011. Abstract
El-Hussein, A., H. Ismail, A. K. Kasem, and M. A. Harith, "Application Of LIF Technique In The Diagnosis Of Some Human Cancer Types", THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LASER APPLICATIONS—ICLA 2009, vol. 1172, no. 1: AIP Publishing, pp. 101–105, 2009. Abstract
El-Hussein, A., M. Harith, and H. Abrahamse, "Assessment of DNA damage after photodynamic therapy using a metallophthalocyanine photosensitizer", International Journal of Photoenergy, vol. 2012: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012. Abstract
Abdel-Salama, Z., S. A. M. Abdel-Salamb, I. I. Abdel-Mageedb, and M. A. Haritha, "Assessment of sheep colostrum via laser induced fluorescence and chemometrics", Small Ruminant Research, vol. 155, pp. 51-65, 2017. srr-_sheep_milk.pdf