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A.A.Bassiouni, Y.I.Youssef, and M.M.Zaki, "Studies on infectious coryza in poultry in Egypt", Veterinary Medical Journal, vol. 33, issue 1, pp. 61-67, 1985.
A.A.Bassiouni, M.M.Zaki, and A.A.Amro, "Studies on campylobacteriosis", International Conference on Veterinary Medicine And Human Health In The 21st Century, Kuwait, State of Kuwait, October 1998.
M.M.Zaki, "Strategy to control salmonella infection in poultry to protect human in Saudi Arabia", 1st Meeting of Poultry Production Society in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2004.
M.Hady, M., and M.M.Zaki, "Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt", 2nd International Conference on Asia Agriculture and Animal, Singapore, July 2012.