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Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mahrous Amer.


Prof. of Poultry Diseases- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-

                     Cairo University. From June 1994 till now.






Work: Department of poultry diseases- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Cairo University –Giza- Egypt.

Postal Address: Dept of Poult. Dis., Faculty Vet. Med., P.O. Code 12211 Giza, Egypt

Phone:  00202/ 35720399 - 357204780       Fax: 00202 /335725240.

Home: 1 Ebad El-Rahman - Nabil Taha St.  - Hassan Mohamed- King Faisal              Giza-Egypt.

          Phone: 00202/37821497   Mobile: +2/0101182828-+2/01221770699.





- profdramer@cu.edu.eg  -                   profdramer53@gmail.com 






             Arabic  -   English - Germany.

Educational Qualifications:

Ph.D.         1984       Faculty. Vet. Med., Cairo University, Egypt.

                                 Major: Poultry diseases.

                                 Fine:   Viral diseases of poultry.

                                 Title:   Emergency vaccination in case of outbreaks Newcastle 


M.V.Sc.   1980       Facult. Vet. Med., Cairo University, Egypt.

                                Major: Poultry diseases.

                                   Fine: Viral diseases of poultry.

                                  Title: Studies on the effect of the different diluents used with

                                           Newcastle vaccines on the immune status of birds.

B.VSc.     1976       Faculty. Vet. Med. Cairo University, Egypt.

                                 Major: Vet. Medicine.

Academic Positions:

  1. Demonstrator of Poultry diseases 1977
  2. Assistant lecture of Poultry diseases 1980
  3. Institute of Poultry Diseases, School of Vet. Med., Fredric Epart University, Hannover, W-Germany. As a visiting scholar. 1983 – 1984.
  4. General Manager of AGA poultry Farms, Saudi Arabia. 1986 – 1987         
  5. Lecture of Poultry diseases 1984
  6. Associate professor of Poultry diseases 1989
  7. Professor of Poultry diseases 1994- January 2013.
  8. Member of the Scientific Committee of the functions of the professors - the Supreme Council of Universities 1999 -2002.
  9. Rapporteur of the Scientific Committee of the functions of the professors - the Supreme Council of Universities 2013-2015.
  10. Emeritus Professor of Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine January 2013- till now
  11. Member of the Scientific Committee of the functions of the professors - the Supreme Council of Universities 1999 –till now.
  12. Arbitrator Projects of Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF) from 2000 till now.