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Milfort, M. C., A. F. A. Ghareeb, O. W. Ariyo, J. Kwakye, E. Hartono, S. Sovi, B. Aryal, A. L. Fuller, M. I. El Sabry, F. ‎ Stino, et al., "Renal Sugar Metabolites and mRNA Expression of Glucose Transporters in Meat-Type Chickens ‎with Differing Residual Water Intake‎", Animals, vol. 14, pp. ‎2912‎, 2024.
El Sabry, M. I., H. B. A. Ghrieb, A. M. M. Atta, M. G. Eshak, and F. K. R. Stino, "Role of Chicken Interleukin-2, in Some Immunological and Productive Performances of Fayoumi Laying Hens.", The 1st International Conference of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Syria., 2008. Abstract