The operating room (OR) environment is surrounded by many hazards that include physical, chemical, and biological hazards. These potential hazards might endanger the safety of both patients and OR personnel (nurses, anesthesiologists, surgeons, workers, etc). However, these hazards can be preventable if they are identified and correctly dealt with. The aim of the present study is to assess the potential hazards in the OR, the study also proposed guidelines for safety practices in the OR. In order to achieve these aims, a total of 115 general surgeries were assessed and observed by the investigator as regarding to environmental safety issues and the OR personnel aseptic practices during surgeries using the OR Safety Assessment Tool (B). In addition to the general assessment of OR environment which assessed once using the OR Safety Assessment Tool (A). The result of the data analysis revealed deficiency regarding to the OR suitable environment and regarding to the OR personnel safe practices application during the 115 observed surgeries. The result showed also that the OR personnel had poor compliance with the OR attire and with following specific important OR aseptic practice that indicate the need for establishing OR written policies and procedures that has to be available to OR personnel, reviewed annually, and adhere with. The study concluded that, there is possible risk for patient and OR personnel working in the study setting. Based on these findings, the present study provided recommended guidelines for patients and personnel safety in the operating room.