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Ibrahim, M. S., and M. El-Saban, "Higher order potentials with superpixel neighbourhood (HSN) for semantic image segmentation", 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing: IEEE, pp. 2881–2884, 2011. Abstract
Naiel, M. A., M. M. Bdelwahab, M. El-Saban, and W. Mikhael, "Highly Efficient Human Action Recognition using compact 2DPCA-based descriptors in the Spatial and Transform domains", 2011 IEEE 54th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS): IEEE, pp. 1–4, 2011. Abstract
Gowayyed, M. A., M. Torki, M. E. Hussein, and M. El-Saban, "Histogram of oriented displacements (HOD): Describing trajectories of human joints for action recognition", Twenty-third international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 2013. Abstract
Hussein, M. E., M. Torki, M. A. Gowayyed, and M. El-Saban, "Human action recognition using a temporal hierarchy of covariance descriptors on 3d joint locations", Twenty-third international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 2013. Abstract
Eldib, M. Y., and M. El-Saban, "Human age estimation using enhanced bio-inspired features (EBIF)", 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing: IEEE, pp. 1589–1592, 2010. Abstract
Eldib, M. Y., and M. El-Saban, "Human age estimation using enhanced bio-inspired features (EBIF)", 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing: IEEE, pp. 1589–1592, 2010. Abstract