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A.Sayed, A., S. A.Sadek, A. M.Soliman, and M. Mazouk, "prospective effect of red algae,Actinotrichia fragilis ,against some osteoarthitis aetiology", Afr.J.Tradit. Complement.Alter.n.Med., vol. 14, issue 1, pp. 231- 241, 2017.
Sadek, S. A., A. M. Soliman, and M. Marzouk, "Ameliorative effect of Allolobophora caliginosa extract on hepatotoxicity induced by silicon dioxide nanoparticles", Toxicology and industrial health, vol. 32, issue 8, pp. 1358 - 1372, 2016.
Marzouk, M., A. Soliman, and T. Omar, Fenugreek and termis seeds as ameliorative agents for diabetes "Anti-hyperglycemic effects of some natural agents.", , Germany, Germany, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2016.
M.Soliman, A., S. Desouky, M. Marzouk, and A. A.Sayed, "Origanum majorama attenuates nephrotoxiciity of cisplatin anticancer drug through ameliorating oxidative stress.", Nutrients, vol. 8, issue 5, pp. article No.264(1-9), 2016.
Marzouk, M., H. Harasani, and K. El-Badry, Age-related changes and antioxidants administration(Anti-aging effect of antioxidants), , Germany, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015.
Desouky, S., M. Marzouk, A. M.Soliman, and A. A.Sayed, "Modulatory effect of Origanum majorana extract against cisplatin-induced dyslipidemia in rats.", International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences, vol. 4, issue 6, pp. 228 - 234, 2015.
R.Fahmy, S., A. M.Soliman, A. A.Sayed, and M. Marzouk, "Possible antiosteoporotic mechanism of Cicer aritinum extract in ovariectomized rats.", Int.J.Clin.Exp.Pathol., vol. 8, issue 4, pp. 3477 - 3490, 2015.
Marzouk, M., A. M. Soliman, S. R. Fahmy, and A. A.Sayed, "Ameliorative effects of Cicer arietinum extract and Coelatura aegyptica shell powder on estrogen sensitive organs in ovariectomized rats.", World Applied Sciences Journal, vol. 31, issue 5, pp. 863 - 872, 2014.
Marzouk, M., A. M. Soliman, and T. Y. Omar, " Hypoglycemic and antioxidative effects of fenugreek and termis seeds powder in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. ", Eur.Rev.Med.Pharmcol.Sci., vol. 17, pp. 559 – 565, 2013.
A.Sayed, A., A. M. Soliman, S. R.Fahmy, and M. Marzouk, " Antiosteoporotic effect of Coelatura aegyptiaca shell powder on ovariectomized rats", African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, vol. 7, issue 34, pp. 2406-2416, 2013.
Sadek, S. A., M. Marzouk, and A. M. Soliman, "Curative effect of Allolobophora caliginosa extract on toxicity induced by silicon dioxide nanoparticles in rats.", Egypt.J.Zool., , vol. 59, issue 59, pp. : 125-132., 2013.
Hussein, Z., E. Dow, and M. Marzouk, " Effect of Cichorium endivia leaves on some biochemical parameters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 5, issue 7, pp. 387-396, 2011.
Marzouk,.M., A. A.Sayed, and A. M.Soliman, "Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Cichorium endivia L. leaves extract against acetaminophen toxicity on rats. ", J.Med.Med.Sci., vol. 2, issue 12, pp. 1273-1279, 2011.
Marzouk, M., A. M. Soliman, and A. A. Sayed, "Possible ameliorative effect of Cichorium endivia leaves extract on liver oxidative stress induced by acetaminophen in rats.", J.Egypt.Ger.Soc.Zool., vol. 63A, pp. 257-276, 2011.
Marzouk, M., N. A. S. Aziz, and S. Hassaneen, " Amelioration of radiation-induced biochemical alterations by antioxidant drug ( Hepanox) in male albino rats.", Egypt.J.Zool., vol. 55, pp. 43 -64, 2010.
Marzouk, M., S. Hassaneen, H. Hussein, and H. A.Soliman, " Ameliorative effect of mepacure against rimactazid-induced hepatotoxicity in rats.", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 3, issue 3, pp. 2350-2354., 2009.
Soliman, A. A., M. Marzouk, and M. N. Mosaad, "Effect of concurrent exposure to dietary Cd and Zn on some blood biochemical parameters of quails.", Proc.5th Int.Con.Biol.Sci.(Zool.)- Tanta univ., vol. 5, issue 5, pp. 181-186, 2008.