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MA, E., E. - A. M, A. S, E. MH, M. E, T. H, and E. M, "F18-FET PET in pediatric brain tumors: integrative analysis of image derived parameters and clinico-pathological data. ", The Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2020.
Amr, M., Kotb, H., H. Moustafa, H. 1 Fathy, and W. Omar, "FDG PET/CT Versus I-131 MIBG Scan in Diagnosis of Neuroblastoma Osseous Infiltrates; Comparative Study", Egyptian J. Nucl. Med.,, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 85-91, 2014. Abstract8.pdf

Purpose: To compare diagnostic performance
of F-18 FDG PET/CT & I-131 MIBG in
neuroblastoma osseous lesions. Materials
and method: cross sectional study with 63
pathologically proved NB patients with
dominating high risk category (~65.1 %) who
underwent paired F-18 FDG PET/CT and
MIBG scans (with maximum 2 weeks
interval) using standard techniques for
purpose of initial , post-therapy or follow up
assessment. Clinico-pathological , radiological
and follow up data were also collected.
Results: On lesion based analysis of
neuroblastoma bone metastases, though nonoptimum
sensitivity was noted with both
modalities yet statistically significant higher
sensitivity was seen with FDG PET/CT
(73.1%) as compared to that of I-131 MIBG
(55.2 %) (p- Value=0.03). Higher (nonstatistically
significant) specificity of 100%
was seen with I-131 MIBG compared to
92.5% for FDG PET/CT (p-value=0.95).
have an added value in detection of NB
osseous lesions compared to I-131 MIBG,
which may help to guide BMB in patients
with either (MIBG or FDG PET) positive
