Mahmoud Yahia Mustafa
adress: 7 mohamed moneeer street, imbaba,Giza
kasr al ainy university
doctorate degree of anesthesia 2015
european diploma of anesthesia 2015
master degree of anesthesia 2012
bachelor degree of medicine 2007
kasr al ainy university 2009- 2012
assistant lecture in kasr al ainy medical school 2012-2016
assists in various operations and responsiple for wide variety of operating theaters including trauma , obstetrics , neurosurgery and general surgery
assists in teaching process of house officers and residents
member of european assoccaition of anesthesia 2015
power point ,word and excel
various aneshtic teqniques including peripheral nerve blocks and neuroaxial blockade
(Last updated: Sun, 2016-04-10 12:21)