Backup prescriptions instead of “just in case” or “watch and wait” - Response to: Prescribing antibiotics “just in case” must be tackled to slow rise in antibiotic resistance - DOI:

Sharaf A, Marei MM. Backup prescriptions instead of “just in case” or “watch and wait” - Response to: Prescribing antibiotics “just in case” must be tackled to slow rise in antibiotic resistance - DOI: . BMJ. 2019;2019(364):l553. copy at


DOI: (Published 06 February 2019)
Cite this as: BMJ 2019;364:l553

There are equivocal situations where doctors are tempted to prescribe the “just-in-case” antibiotics to suppress a potential infection or one that could be developing. This is not an uncommon encounter in GP practices, walk-in clinics and emergency departments. One solution to this is giving the patient a backup or safety-net prescription, only to be dispensed and used if worsening or warning signs appear, until further medical advice can be sought in order to avoid fulminant infection in the waiting. This requires good partnership with a cooperative and reliable patient or parent in case of managing a child.