

  1. Masters of Science in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering,“ Optimization of Flat Belt Drives with Slip Analysis and Finite Element Verification”, Cairo University ,[2014]
  2. Pre – Masters in Mechanical Design, Cairo University, [2010], Excellent (92.5%).
  3. B. S. (Mechanical Design and Production),CairoUniversity, [2008], Excellent (90%).
  4. Graduation Project “Computerized Plasma Profile Cutting Machine Model”, [2008], Excellent.

Academic positions

  1. Assistant Lecturer in Mechanical Design and production Department, 2014-until Now, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
  2. Teaching and Research Assistant in Mechanical Design and Production Department, 2009-until 2014, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.

Attended Conferences

  • ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  • 5th Assiut University International Comnference on Mechanical Engineering Advanced Technology for Industrial Production,2011, Assiut, Egypt.

Experiences and Trainings:

  1. Training in TITAN Cement Company in Greece, (involved in the mechanical maintenance, repairing, development and the control of the line production machines), for 1.5 months, (2007)
  2. Training in Egypt Gas Company, (the installations, the assemblies, the switches and the conversions for all kinds of related devices, or execution of assemblies), for a month, (2006)
  3. Training in Egypt Gas Company, (The maintenance, Safety and reform of the natural gas nets), for a month, (2005)
  4. Training in Helwan (Iron and steel) company, for 3 weeks, (2004)