- Masters of Science in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering,“ Optimization of Flat Belt Drives with Slip Analysis and Finite Element Verification”, Cairo University ,[2014]
- Pre – Masters in Mechanical Design, Cairo University, [2010], Excellent (92.5%).
- B. S. (Mechanical Design and Production),CairoUniversity, [2008], Excellent (90%).
- Graduation Project “Computerized Plasma Profile Cutting Machine Model”, [2008], Excellent.
Academic positions
- Assistant Lecturer in Mechanical Design and production Department, 2014-until Now, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
- Teaching and Research Assistant in Mechanical Design and Production Department, 2009-until 2014, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
Attended Conferences
- ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
- 5th Assiut University International Comnference on Mechanical Engineering Advanced Technology for Industrial Production,2011, Assiut, Egypt.
Experiences and Trainings:
- Training in TITAN Cement Company in Greece, (involved in the mechanical maintenance, repairing, development and the control of the line production machines), for 1.5 months, (2007)
- Training in Egypt Gas Company, (the installations, the assemblies, the switches and the conversions for all kinds of related devices, or execution of assemblies), for a month, (2006)
- Training in Egypt Gas Company, (The maintenance, Safety and reform of the natural gas nets), for a month, (2005)
- Training in Helwan (Iron and steel) company, for 3 weeks, (2004)