Microwave Plasma Oxidation Technique for HoBa2Cu307-x Ceramic Superconductor

Ismail, L. Z., M. I. Youssif, and H. A. M. Moneima, "Microwave Plasma Oxidation Technique for HoBa2Cu307-x Ceramic Superconductor ", Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 76, pp. 69–74, 2002.


A new oxidation technique of high temperature superconducting copper oxides has been invented. The oxidation is performed in a low
pressure oxygen plasma generated by a microwave. X-ray and the low temperature alternating current magnetic susceptibility have been
used to explore the effect of the oxidation on the superconducting behavior. Also, the measured infrared spectra reveal good dependence
of the two copper–oxygen populations. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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