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Ibrahim, M., S. El-hadad, W. Khalifa, and M. Shoeib, "Effect of Ti Addition and Heat Treatment on Electrochemical Properties of Cast Fe35Mn31Ni18Al13Tix HEAs", International Journal of Metalcasting, 2023, 17(2), pp. 888–899, 2023.
Abdel-Salama, M., S. El-Hadad, and W. Khalifa, "Effects of microstructure and alloy composition on hydroxyapatite precipitation on alkaline treated α/β titanium alloys", Materials Science & Engineering C, vol. 104, issue 7, pp. 109974, 2019. msechap.pdf
Khalifa, W., A. M. Jarrah, O. Elkady, and A. M. Harahsheh, "Effect of Processing Route and Alloying Substitutions on the Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Ferrite Magnets", TMS 145 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Nashville, USA, Feb 2016.
El-Aziz, A. M., M. A. El-Hady, and W. khlifa, "Effect of High Intensity Ultrasonic Treatment on the Microstructure, Corrosion and Mechanical Behaviour of AC7A Aluminum Alloy", Light Metals, vol. 2016, pp. 721–724, 2016.
El-Aziz, A. M., M. A. El-Hady, and W. khlifa, "Effect of High Intensity Ultrasonic Treatment on the Microstructure, Corrosion and Mechanical Behaviour of AC7A Aluminum Alloy", Light Metals, vol. 2016, pp. 721–724, 2016.
Fadl, M., W. Khalifa, and S. El-hadad, "Effect of Soaking Treatment on the Microstructure and Wear Behavior of the Ultrasonic Melt-Treated B390 Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy", TMS Annual Meeting, Light Metals, vol. 2016, Nashiville, USA, TMS, pp. 821-825, 2016.
Moustafa, T., W. Khalifa, R. El-Koussy, and A. N. El-Reheem, "Effect of Metallurgical Factors on Welding of Reinforcing Steel Bars", MONTREAL’2015 AES-ATEMA 22nd International Conference “Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications, Montreal, Canada, June 15-19, 2015.
Abdel-Hakeem, A., M. Ghanem, W. Khalifa, and N. Abdel-Rehim, "Effect of Welding Parameters of FSW on Microstructure, Tensile Strength and Bendability of AA2024-T4 Aluminum Alloy", Bulletin of Tabbin Institute of Metallurgical Studies, vol. 2013, issue Jan, pp. 23-28, 2013.
Okumiya, M., M. Yoshida, Y. Tsunekawa, and W. Khalifa, "Effects of the Process Parameters in Barrel Nitriding on Surface Roughness of Aluminum Nitride Layer and Formation of Deposited Layer", AES-ATEMA’ 2010, Fifth International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications, Monreal & Quebec City, Canada, June 27 – July 3, 2010.
Khalifa, W., Y. Tsunekawa, and M. Okumiya, "Effect of Ultrasonic Melt-Treatment on the Eutectic Silicon and Iron Intermetallic Phases in Al-Si cast Alloys", Materials Science Forum, vol. 638-642 , issue 2010, pp. 431-436, 2010.
W. Khalifa, A. D. M. M., Y. Tsunekawa, and M. Okumiya, "Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Fe-intermetallic Phases in ADC12 Al-Si Die Cast Alloy", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, pp. 2178–2187, 2010.
Khalifa, W., Y. Tsunekawa, and M. Okumiya, "Effect of Ultrasonic Melt-Treatment on the Eutectic Silicon and Iron Intermetallic Phases in Al-Si cast Alloys", International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Thermec’2009), Berlin, Germany, August 24-29th, 2009.
Khalifa, W., Y. Tsunekawa, and M. Okumiya, "Effect of Reheating to the Semisolid State on the Microstructure of the A356 Aluminum Alloy Produced by Ultrasonic Melt-Treatment", The 10th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites (S2P2008), Aachen, Germany, Sept 16–18, 2008.
Abd-Allah, M., W. Khalifa, S. A. Hafiz, K., and A. Raheem, "Effect of Flux on the Quality of A-TIG Welds", Proceedings of The 9th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production (MDP-9), January 8-10, (2008), , Cairo, Egypt, pp. paper no. 277, 2008.
Tash, M., W. Khalifa, and E. H. A., "Effect of Metallurgical Differences between 356 and 384 Alloys on Their Mechanical Properties", Proceedings of The 9th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production (MDP-9), January 8-10, (2008), , , Cairo, Egypt, pp. pp. 992-1004, 2008.
Khalifa, W., Y. Tsunekawa, and M. Okumiya, "Effect of Reheating to the Semisolid State on the Microstructure of the A356 Aluminum Alloy Produced by Ultrasonic Melt-treatment", Solid State Phenomena, vol. 141-143, pp. 499-504, 2008.
Khalifa, W., Y. Tsunekawa, and M. Okumiya, "Effect of Ultrasonic Melt Treatment on the Microstructure of A356 Aluminum Cast Alloys", International Journal of Cast Metals Research, vol. 21, issue 1-3, pp. 129-134, 2008.
w. khalifa, Y. Tsunekawa, and M. Okumiya, "Effect of Ultrasonic Melt Treatment on the Microstructure of A356 Aluminum Cast Alloys", Proceedings of The 10th Asian Foundry Congress (AFC-10), , Nagoya, Japan, May 21st - 24th (2008), pp. pp. 149-154, 2008.
Khalifa, W., A. M. Samuel, F. H. SAMUEL, H. W. Doty, and S. VALTIERRA, "Effet des additions de bismuth et de calcium et du traitement thermique sur la microstructure et les propriétés mécaniques des alliages d'aluminium moulés B319", Fonderie, Fondeur d'aujourd'hui, issue 270, pp. 13-24, 2007.
Khalifa, W., and R. El-Koussy, Earing Behavior of the 1050 Aluminum Alloy: Progress Report 2, Earing of Thick Sheets, , Naga Hammady, Egypt, Aluminum Company of Egypt, pp. 1-16, September 2006.
Khalifa, W., and R. El-Koussy, Earing Behavior of the 1050 Aluminum Alloy: Progress Report 1, Effect of DC Casting and Hot Rolling Conditions, , Naga Hammady, the Aluminum Company of Egypt, pp. 1-23, June 2006.
Khalifa, W., A. M. Samuel, F. H. SAMUEL, and V. S. and H.W. Doty, "Effect of Bi and Ca Additions and Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the B319 Al Cast Alloys", Proc. 6th Arab Foundry Symposium “Arabcast 2006”, Sharm El-Sheikh – Egypt, The Egyptian Foundrymen’s Soc, pp. pp. 1-13, 2006.
S. El-Hadad, K. W., S. F. H. A.M. Samuel, and V. S. and H.D. Doty, "Effect of Bi and Ca Additions on the Solidification Thermal Parameters of Sr-modified 319 Alloys", AFS Transactions, vol. 113, pp. 5-177, 2005.
M.R. El Koussy, E. M. I. S., A. D. M. M. W. Khalifa, and M. Bueckins, "Effects of Thermal Aging on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Duplex Stainless Steel Weldments", Materials Science and Technology, vol. 20, issue 3, pp. 375-381, 2004.