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Ibrahim, M., S. El-hadad, W. Khalifa, and M. Shoeib, "Effect of Ti Addition and Heat Treatment on Electrochemical Properties of Cast Fe35Mn31Ni18Al13Tix HEAs", International Journal of Metalcasting, 2023, 17(2), pp. 888–899, 2023.
El-hadad, S., M. Nady, W. Khalifa, and A. Shash, "Influence of heat treatment conditions on the mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloy", Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly , vol. 57, issue 2, pp. 186-193, 2018.
Abbas, A., A. Seif, I. Elmahallawi, and W. Khalifa, "Microstructure and Hardness of Subzero Quenched and Heat Treated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy‏", Proceedings of the 3rd Pan American Materials Congress, Los Angelos, TMS, pp. 379-391, 2017.
El-Mahallawi, I., W. Khalifa, A. Shash, and N. Aref, "Roadmap to Egyptian Casting Industry: Material Technology", International Conference on Industry Academia Collaboration, Cairo, Egypt, 6-8 April 2015.
Khalifa, W., A. M. Samuel, F. H. SAMUEL, H. W. Doty, and S. VALTIERRA, "Effet des additions de bismuth et de calcium et du traitement thermique sur la microstructure et les propriétés mécaniques des alliages d'aluminium moulés B319", Fonderie, Fondeur d'aujourd'hui, issue 270, pp. 13-24, 2007.
Khalifa, W., A. M. Samuel, F. H. SAMUEL, and V. S. and H.W. Doty, "Effect of Bi and Ca Additions and Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the B319 Al Cast Alloys", Proc. 6th Arab Foundry Symposium “Arabcast 2006”, Sharm El-Sheikh – Egypt, The Egyptian Foundrymen’s Soc, pp. pp. 1-13, 2006.
Khalifa, W., F. H. SAMUEL, J. E. Gruzleski, and V. S. and H.W. Doty, "Role of Inclusions in the Nucleation of Fe-Intermetallic Phases in the Al-Si-Fe Alloys", Proc. 12th Arab International Aluminum Conference (Arabal-2006), Sharm El-Sheikh – Egypt, The Aluminum Company of Egypt (Egyptalum), pp. pp.257-80, 2006.
S. El-Hadad, K. W., S. F. H. A.M. Samuel, and V. S. and H.D. Doty, "Effect of Bi and Ca Additions on the Solidification Thermal Parameters of Sr-modified 319 Alloys", AFS Transactions, vol. 113, pp. 5-177, 2005.
Khalifa, W., F. Samuel, and J. Gruzleski, "Inclusion Additions to Molten Aluminum Alloys Using the Gas Injection Technique: Process and Analysis", AFS Transactions, vol. 113, pp. 5-179, 2005.
Khalifa, W., F. Samuel, and J. Gruzleski, "Iron Intermetallic Phases in the Al-Corner of the Al-Si-Fe System", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,, vol. 34A, pp. 807-825, 2003.
Khalifa, W., F. Samuel, and J. Gruzleski, "Iron Intermetallic Phases in the Al-Corner of the Al-Si-Fe System", Internationl Conference on "Enabling Technologies for Light Metals and Composite Materials and Their End-Products" (COM 2002),, Montreal, 11-14 Aug. 2002, Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,, pp. pp.285-303, 2002.