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Khalifa, W., A. M. Jarrah, O. Elkady, and A. M. Harahsheh, "Effect of Processing Route and Alloying Substitutions on the Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Ferrite Magnets", TMS 145 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Nashville, USA, Feb 2016.
Abd-Allah, M., W. Khalifa, S. A. Hafiz, K., and A. Raheem, "Effect of Flux on the Quality of A-TIG Welds", Proceedings of The 9th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production (MDP-9), January 8-10, (2008), , Cairo, Egypt, pp. paper no. 277, 2008.
Abd-Allah, M., W. Khalifa, S. A. Hafiz, K., and N. Abdel Raheem, "Assessment of Flux Composition in A-TIG Weldments", Metals Processing and Manufacturing Conference (MPM 2007) Nov. 19-22, Cairo – Egypt, CMRDI, pp. , pp. 9-23., 2007.
Khalifa, W., A. M. Samuel, F. H. SAMUEL, and V. S. and H.W. Doty, "Effect of Bi and Ca Additions and Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the B319 Al Cast Alloys", Proc. 6th Arab Foundry Symposium “Arabcast 2006”, Sharm El-Sheikh – Egypt, The Egyptian Foundrymen’s Soc, pp. pp. 1-13, 2006.
Khalifa, W., F. H. SAMUEL, J. E. Gruzleski, and V. S. and H.W. Doty, "Role of Inclusions in the Nucleation of Fe-Intermetallic Phases in the Al-Si-Fe Alloys", Proc. 12th Arab International Aluminum Conference (Arabal-2006), Sharm El-Sheikh – Egypt, The Aluminum Company of Egypt (Egyptalum), pp. pp.257-80, 2006.
Abdel-Aziz, A., W. Khalifa, H. Ahmed, and S. El-Taweel, "Structure and Corrosion Behavior of Dissimilar Steel Weldments in Acid Media", Corrosion Protection, vol. 49, issue 11, pp. 275-81, 2006.
S. El-Hadad, K. W., S. F. H. A.M. Samuel, and V. S. and H.D. Doty, "Effect of Bi and Ca Additions on the Solidification Thermal Parameters of Sr-modified 319 Alloys", AFS Transactions, vol. 113, pp. 5-177, 2005.