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Essa, K. S., S. A. Mehanee, and M. Elhussein, "Gravity data interpretation by a two-sided fault-like geologic structure using the global particle swarm technique", Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, vol. 311, pp. 106631, 2021. physics_of_the_earth_and_planetary_interiors_1.pdf
Essa, K. S., and M. Elhussein, "Gravity Data Interpretation Using New Algorithms: A Comparative Study", Gravity-Geoscience Applications, Industrial Technology and Quantum Aspect, Rijeka, INTECH, 2018. intech-gravity_data_interpretation_using_different_new_algorithms.pdf
Essa, K. S., "Gravity data interpretation using the s-curves method", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 2: IOP Publishing, pp. 204, 2007. Abstract
Essa, K. S., "Gravity data interpretation using the s-curves method", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 2: IOP Publishing, pp. 204, 2007. Abstract
Essa, K. S., and Z. E. Diab, "Gravity Anomaly Interpretation Using the R-Parameter Imaging Technique over a Salt Dome", Gravitational Field – Concepts and Applications, London, InTechOpen, 2022.
Essa, K. S., M. D. Risio, D. Celli, and D. Pasquali, Geophysics and Ocean Waves Studies, , London, InTechOpen, 2021.
Essa, K. S., and M. Munschy, "Gravity data interpretation using the particle swarm optimisation method with application to mineral exploration", Journal of Earth System Science, vol. 128, issue 5, pp. 123, 2019. journal_of_earth_system_science_1.pdf
Essa, K. S., "A generalized algorithm for gravity or self-potential data inversion with application to mineral exploration", ASEG Extended Abstracts, no. 1: CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. 1–4, 2010. Abstract
Essa, K. S., "Gravity data interpretation using the s-curves method", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 2: IOP Publishing, pp. 204, 2007. Abstract
Essa, K. S., E. A. Abo-Ezz, Y. Géraud, M. Diraison, and R. Toushmalani, "Gravity profiles interpretation applying a metaheuristic particle optimization algorithm of mineralized bodies resembled by finite elements", Heliyon, vol. 10, pp. E31391, 2024. heliyon_1.pdf
Essa, K. S., and Z. E. Diab, "Gravity data inversion applying a metaheuristic Bat algorithm for various ore and mineral models", Journal of Geodynamics, vol. 155, pp. 101953, 2023.
Essa, K. S., S. A. Mehanee, K. S. Soliman, and Z. E. Diab, "Gravity profile interpretation using the R-parameter imaging technique with application to ore exploration", Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 126, pp. 103695, 2020. ore_geology_reviews_1.pdf
Essa, K. S., "Gravity interpretation of dipping faults using the variance analysis method", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 1: IOP Publishing, pp. 015003, 2013. Abstract
Essa, K. S., "Gravity data interpretation using the s-curves method", Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 4, no. 2: IOP Publishing, pp. 204, 2007. Abstract
Essa, K. S., Gravitational Field – Concepts and Applications, , London, InTechOpen, 2022.
Ai, H., H. Li, K. S. Essa, Y. L. EKİNCİ, and Ç. Balkaya, "Global optimization of self-potential anomalies using Hunger Games Search Algorithm", ure and Applied Geophysics, vol. 181, pp. 1303-1336, 2024. pure_and_applied_geophysics_12.pdf