Bio & CV

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Biography ofProf. Dr. Kawkab Abd El Aziz

Dr. Kawkab graduated from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in December 1993 and  appointed as demonstrator of pathology in pathology department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University at 1994. She got her Master degree in Veterinary pathology  at 1998 and then became assistant lecturer. she got her Ph.D. degree and became a lecturer of Pathology at 2002. she became assistant Professor of Pathology from 2007 to 2012 and Professor of Pathology from 2012 till now.

Memership of Cultural, Educational and Professional Societies:

1- Member of staff of pathology Dept. Faculty of Vet. Med., Cairo Univ.
2- Member of Veterinary syndicate.
3- Member of Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association.
4- Member of Egyptian Veterinary Medical Society of pathology and clinical pathology (EVMSP).
5- Member of Committee of (EVMSP) (Treasures).
6- Member of Editorial in chief of Egyptian Veterinary Medical Society of pathology and clinical pathology   
 Scientific activities:
• Teaching pathology courses (general, special and morbid anatomy) for under-graduate students.

• Teaching pathology courses (general, special and morbid anatomy) for post-graduate students.

• Teaching general pathology course in Arabic for delegated students.
• Supervision on many M.V.SCs and Ph.D. thesis.
Dr. Kawkab is a member of the arbitration committee of veterinary clinical sciences (pathology) to examine the scientific production to fill the jobs of teachers and assistants professors. Eleventh session (January 2013- December 2015).

Dr. Kawkab is a member of the Organizing Committee (OC) of The 1st international scientific conference of pathology department, Sheraton dreamland conference center, April 25-27, 2013:, member of the Organizing Committee (OC) of 18th scientific conference of Egyptian Veterinary Medical Society (EVMS) for Pathology and Clinical Pathology, May 28, 2013 

Dr. Kawkab published three and fifty researches since gaining a doctorate degree, in  various areas of pathology as varied techniques used in her researches included many new technologies and that keep pace with the continuous development in the areas of diagnosis, such as genetics, cellular and molecular biology techniques.  Twenty four papers were published in international journals.

Dr. Kawkab has participated in the following conferences: 

  • The 1st Congress of Clinical Pathology Departements, Al Azhar University. Cairo, Egypt, 12th May 2004. 
  • The 28th, Scientific conference of The Egyptian Society of Histology and Cytology (Al-Azhar Faculty of Medicine 30 December, 2004).
  •  Scientific conference of The Egyptian Veterinary Medical Society for Pathology and Clinical Pathology 25- 26 June 2006.
  •  Scientific conference of Egyptian Society for Animal management 30- 31 Octobre 2006.
  • 5th International conference of scientific research and its applications Cairo University December 21-24, 2009.
  • The first International Forum for Scientific Research IFSR Cairo University December 13-16, 2010.
  • Conference of National Research Center Cairo, Egypt Octobre 25- 27th, 2010 (Mycotoxicological Risks in Mediterranean Countries: Economic Impact, Prevention, Management and Control).
  • The 1st  international scientific conference of pathology department, Sheraton dreamland conference center, April 25-27, 2013.
  • The 18th scientific conference of Egyptian Veterinary Medical Society (EVMS) for Pathology and Clinical Pathology, May 28, 2013.
  • The 11th Annual Congress Of Medical Sciences 17-19 December, 2013.National Research Centre, Medical Research Division.
  • Awards:
    Winning of Dr. Sohair Sokkar Award in the field of Animal pathology of
    the individuals Acadimic awards for scientific research in 2014.