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and H.A.Kaoud, M.A.Khalf, T. F. I. E. I. M., "Pro and Retrospective Epidemiological Situation of Avian Influenza in Egypt.", European Journal of Academic Essays , vol. 3, issue 7, pp. 254-259, 2016. ejae-1611-543.pdf
A.Kaoud, H., Principals of Veterinary Epidemiology, , North Charleston-UK, Create-Space, 2015. principals_of_vet.epidem..jpg
A.Kaoud, H., Principals of Disinfection, , North Charleston-UK, Create-Space, 2015. principals_of_disinfection.png
A.Kaoud, H., Poultry Hygiene, , 2008. poultry_hygiene.pdf