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Youssef, D., I., S. Ismail, T., S.A.M., and J., El-Azab, "A Pilot Study Using Biospeckle Photography for Optical Breast Cancer Screening", nternational Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, july2023.
Saber, Hameed, A., J. El-Azab, T. Ismail, and S. S. A. Obayya, "Plasmonic photonic crystal fiber sensor for optical partial discharge detection", Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol. 54, issue 7, pp. 433, 2022.
Hussain, F. F. K., A. M. Heikal, M. F. O. Hameed, and J. El-Azab, "Polarization Characteristics of Elliptical Spiral Plasmonic Photonic Crystal Fiber", The XXII International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, OWTNM 2014, Nice- France, June 2014.
Nada, Y. S., J. M. El-Azab, S. M. Maize, and Y. H. ElBashar, "Pulsed Solid State Laser Systems Using ABCD Matrix Method: A Review", Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, vol. 51, pp. 265-316, 2019. review_paper.pdf