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Nada, Y., J. El-Azab, H. Othman, T. Mohamed, and S. Maize, "Interaction between Self Phase Modulation and Positive Group Velocity Dispersion in PMMA Polymer for Simplified Thin Film Compressor of High-Intensity Ultrashort Laser Pulses", Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, vol. 52, pp. 299-311, 2020.
Nada, Y.S., J. El-Azab, O..M., H., and Y. H. E. S.M.A., "Optimization of the operational parameters of ultrashort laser pulses for high self-compression with simplified thin-film compressor technique", Journal of Optics (India),, vol. 51, issue 1, 2022.
Nada, Y. S., J. M. El-Azab, S. M. Maize, and Y. H. ElBashar, "Pulsed Solid State Laser Systems Using ABCD Matrix Method: A Review", Nonlinear Optics Quantum Optics, vol. 51, pp. 265-316, 2019. review_paper.pdf
Nada, Y.S., Mohamed, J. El-Azab, Othman, A.I., and S. M. A. Maize, "Study of Nonlinear Polymers Operating Parameters for Laser Pulse Chirping", Journal of Physics: Conference Series,, 2020.
Nada, Y., J. El-Azab, H. Othman, T. Mohamed, and S. Maize, "Study of Nonlinear Polymers Operating Parameters for Laser Pulse Chirping", The 10th International Conference on Laser Applications (ICLA 10) , Egypt, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1472 , pp. 012007, 2020.