Elhusseiny, I. A.,
"The Quality of Egypt's State Budget: A Composite Index",
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, issue 80, pp. 30-48, 2015.
AbstractA composite index of Egypt’s State Budget that takes into account the composition of public expenditure, the composition of public revenues, and the ratio of budget deficit to GDP, is constructed for the period from fiscal year 1981/1982 to fiscal year 2014/2015. The overall trend of the constructed index during the period of analysis indicates that the quality of Egypt’s State Budget has been deteriorating. Indeed, the two fiscal years of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 recorded the lowest scores of the composite index, an issue that has implications on the government’s fiscal sustainability.
Keywords: Budget quality, composite index, Egypt’s State Budget, budget composition
JEL Classifications: H60, H61, H69