The reaction cross section (σ R) for a deformed target nucleus and spherical projectile is calculated using the optical-limit approximation of the Glauber-Sitenko theory. A method is presented to include both the density-dependent N N interaction and the higher order deformations of the target nucleus in the collision process. We studied both the orientation and the deformation dependence of σ R within the energy range 30-900 MeV/A We found that the orientation of the heavy target nucleus (A ≥ 120) can produce a difference in the calculated σ R up to 30%. The averaged σ R over all directions of the symmetry axis of the deformed nucleus differs by less than 1 % compared with σ R calculated for a spherical target with the same rms matter radius as the deformed nucleus. For certain orientation, it was found that σ R is highly dependent on the hexadecapole deformation. The orientation-averaged cross sections show almost no variation with either the sign or the value of the hexadecapole deformation. We compared the average cross section with the experimental data for several mass numbers; fair agreement is obtained. © 2003 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".
cited By (since 1996) 2