Topics Covered: Classical Encryption, Block Ciphers and DES, Number Theory and Finite Fields, Block Cipher Operation, Public-key Cryptography, Cryptographic Hash Functions, Message Authentication Codes, Digital Signatures, Key Management and Distribution, User Authentication Protocols, Intruders, and Malicious Software.
Project: Implementing a complete RSA-based communication system with performance analysis.
Topics Covered: Big Data Analytics, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Classification Methods, Clustering, Time Series Analysis, Text Analytics, and Hadoop Framework.
Project: Application of data mining techniques on a real-life problem selected by students.
Topics Covered: Big Data Analytics, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Classification Methods, Clustering, Time Series Analysis, and Text Analytics.
Project: Application of data mining techniques on a real-life problem selected by students and proposing an effective business solution.