Curriculum Vitae

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Professor Husam Hosny is an assistant professor at the Faculty of medicine, Cairo University (CU), Egypt, an internationally recognized university worldwide. HUSAM HOSNY holds a MD from Cairo University.

Professor Husam Hosny was graduated at 1991 from Cairo University. He recived an internship as a house officer in Cairo University teaching hospital (Kasr Al-Ainy) for one year.Then, he he got three years exprience in learning basic surgical knowledge and techniques as a residen of general surgery, after which dr.Husam Hosny startedhis plastic surgey career till now, he got his MD degree in 2004 and became a lecturer of plastic surgery till 2011. In 2011, he was promoted to assistant professor degree. dr Husam Hosny practiced all types of plastic surgery (both reconstructive and aaessthetic classes of plastic surgery > dr Husam Hoisny has many publications in the field of plastic surgery for which he has been awarded "WHO'S WHO BIOGRAPHY" in 2013. He is an active member of the following scientific socities:

  • The egyptian society of plastic surgery.
  • The egyptian society of hand surgery and microsurgery.
  • The egyptian society of laparoscopic surgery.

(with active and regular attendance with their annual meetings). 

Dr Husam Hosny participates in teaching of plastic surgery lectures, courses, and workshops for both under-graduate and post-graduate candidates.

