Bachelor Graduation Project Suggested Proposals (2018)

- Software Defined Radio (SDR)-RF implementation with the digital implementation.

- EEG Neural signal processing for Epilepsy seizure detection (Sponsored by NOVELA)

- NB-IoT Hardware implementation (Sponsored by Si-Vision)

- NB-IoT RF Implementation (Sponsored by Si-Vision)

- Wireless FPGA Interconnection (Sponsored by Mentor Graphics, Siemens Business)

- Machine Learning FPGA Acceleration (Sponsored by Mentor Graphics, Siemens Business)

- Lane Detection for Autonomous driving (Collaboration with iHub)

- Car detection for autonomous driving (Collaboration with iHub)

- Convolutional Neural Network Approximate Computing

- Data Flow Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Networks.

-  EEG Neural signal processing for Epilepsy seizure prediction (Sponsored by NOVELA)

- Spiking Neural Networks Hardware Implementation

- Design and Implementation of SAW MEMS Resonator (Sponsored by Si-Ware)

-  Design and Implementation of BAW  MEMS Resonator (Sponsored by Si-Ware)

- Multiplexed Energy Harvesting Platform for Self-Powered IoT nodes.