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Hamada Ibrhim​, Hesham Hassan​, E. N. ​, "A conflicts’ classification for IoT-based services: a comparative survey", PeerJ Computer Science, vol. 7:, 2021. Abstract
Mohamed Ghoneimy, Hesham A. Hassan, E. N., "A New Hybrid Clustering Method of Binary Differential Evolution and Marine Predators Algorithm for Multi-omics Datasets", International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, vol. 14, no. 2, 2021. Abstract
Idrees, A. M., F. G. Eldin, A. M. Mohsen, and H. A. Hassan, "Tasks, Approaches, and Avenues of Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, and Emotion Analysis: Opinion Mining and Extents", E-Collaboration Technologies and Strategies for Competitive Advantage Amid Challenging Times: IGI Global, pp. 171–209, 2021. Abstract
Khalifa, M., H. Hassan, and A. Fahmy, "Zero-Resource Multi-Dialectal Arabic Natural Language Understanding", arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.06591, 2021. Abstract
Al-Sayed, M. M., H. A. Hassan, and F. A. Omara, "CloudFNF: An ontology structure for functional and non-functional features of cloud services", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 141: Academic Press, pp. 143–173, 2020. Abstract
Al-Sayed, M. M., H. A. Hassan, and F. A. Omara, "An intelligent cloud service discovery framework", Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 106: North-Holland, pp. 438–466, 2020. Abstract
Hussein, M. A., H. Hassan, and M. Nassef, "Automated language essay scoring systems: A literature review", PeerJ Computer Science, vol. 5: PeerJ Inc., pp. e208, 2019. Abstract
Mohsen, A. M., A. M. Idrees, and H. A. Hassan, "Emotion Analysis for Opinion Mining From Text: A Comparative Study", International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC), vol. 15, no. 1: IGI Global, pp. 38–58, 2019. Abstract
Al-Sayed, M. M., H. A. Hassan, and F. A. Omara, "Mapping Lexical Gaps In Cloud Ontology Using BabelNet and FP-Growth", International Journal of Computer Science & Security (IJCSS), vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 36, 2019. Abstract
Al-Sayed, M. M., H. A. Hassan, and F. A. Omara, "Towards evaluation of cloud ontologies", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 126: Academic Press, pp. 82–106, 2019. Abstract
Al-Sayed, M. M., H. A. Hassan, and F. A. Omara, "Towards evaluation of cloud ontologies", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 126: Academic Press, pp. 82–106, 2019. Abstract
Kotb, A., S. Hassan, and H. Hassan, "A Comparative Study Among Various Algorithms for Lossless Airborne LiDAR Data Compression", 2018 14th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), pp. 17-21, Dec, 2018. Abstract

Airborne LiDAR scanning systems are one of the most advanced remote sensing systems. They are capable to rapidly cover large geographical areas to gather data from with very high precision and great density. As a result, obtained datasets can contain tens of millions of points which consume more than a gigabyte per square kilometers (GB/km2). In practice, significant problems had been issued such as expensive storage, difficult distribution to the users, and time-consuming exchange over the internet and data processing and display time. For these reasons, LiDAR data compression has become recently a critical issue. In this paper, we compared three LiDAR domain-specific compression algorithms (LASzip, LASComp, and LiDAR Compressor) against three general-purpose compression algorithms (7-Zip, WinZip, and WinRAR). We have used real Airborne LiDAR point clouds data for Washington, DC (District of Columbia) for doing the experiments to reflect real LiDAR data compression issues. In this work, the algorithms had been evaluated in terms of Compression Ratios, Compression Times, and Bits per Point. Also, we have evaluated effects of point cloud density and number of contained points on the compression efficiency. Experiment results indicated that LASzip algorithm outperforms other algorithms with average compression ratio achieved 16.63% and average compression time achieved 16.65 sec. on the other hand, the general-purpose compression algorithm (WinRAR) surpass the LiDAR domain-specific compression algorithm (LiDAR Compressor) with compression ratio achieved 20.24%.

Said Saleh, M., O. Ismail, A. Kamel, and H. Hassan, From CommonKADS to SOA Environment: An Adaptation Model, , 2018. AbstractWebsite

Common knowledge acquisition and documentation structuring (CommonKADS) methodology is used for building knowledge-based systems. Legacy systems built depending on CommonKADS suffer from weak points regarding reusability. The main objectives of this work are: (1) switching of CommonKADS methodology from just a design model to be an executable application, (2) facilitating the linkage and cooperation between CommonKADS services that are using different terminologies and (3) enhancing suitability and reusability of existing CommonKADS-based systems. An enhancement to the CommonKADS methodology in order to improve its applications reusability is introduced. This enhancement contains an adaptation of the original CommonKADS methodology and utilization of service-oriented architecture (SOA) as a promising software engineering technology. The proposed adaptation model includes two alternative processes: adjusting and converting. An adjusting process performs a transformation of the existing CommonKADS layers to be SOA-enabled so that it includes representing the data in a new standard form to be transformed into set of services. Converting process is concerned with changing CommonKADS-based legacy systems to SOA-enabled systems through using GenericSOA framework. An example application, a potato CommonKADS-based expert system, was used to evaluate the new proposed model through the analysis and automated restructuring of it to be SOA-enabled system.

Badry, M., H. Hassan, H. Bayomi, and H. Oakasha, "QTID: Quran Text Image Dataset", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 9, issue 3: The Science and Information Organization, pp. 258-262, 2018. Abstractpaper_51-qtid_quran_text_image_dataset.pdf


E.Hossny, S. Khattab, O. A. Omara, and H. Hassan, "STAGER: Semantic-based Framework for Generating Adapters of Service-based Generic-API for Portable Cloud Applications", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, pp. 1 - 1, 2018. Abstract


Kotb, A., S. Hassan, and H. Hassan, "A Comparative Study Among Various Algorithms for Lossless Airborne LiDAR Data Compression", 2018 14th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO): IEEE, pp. 17–21, 2018. Abstract
Othman, M., H. Hassan, R. Moawad, and A. M. Idrees, "A linguistic approach for opinionated documents summary", Future Computing and Informatics Journal, vol. 3, no. 2: Elsevier, pp. 152–158, 2018. Abstract
Eman Hossny, Sherif Khattab, F. O. H. H. A., "STAGER: Semantic-based Framework for Generating Adapters of Service-based Generic-API for Portable Cloud Applications", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing: IEEE, 2018. Abstract
Othman, M., H. Hassan, R. Moawad, and A. M. Idrees, "A Linguistic Approach for Opinionated Documents Summary", Future Computing and Informatics Journal, vol. In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 11 November 2017, 2017.
Hossny, E., S. Khattab, F. Omara, and H. Hassan, "Towards standard PaaS implementation APIs", International Journal of Cloud Computing, vol. 6, issue 4: Inderscience Publishers (IEL), pp. 306-324, 2017. Abstract
Mohsen, A. M., H. A. Hassan, and A. M. Idrees, "Documents Emotions Classification Model Based on TF-IDF Weighting Measure", ICEDM 2016: International Conference on Educational Data Mining,, , vol. 2, no. 1, Copenhagen, Denmark, Fayoum University, pp. 1795, Jun 27-28, 2016.
Mohsen, A. M., H. A. Hassan, and A. M. Idrees, "A Proposed Approach for Emotion Lexicon Enrichment", ICDAR 2016: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, vol. 2, no. 1, Johannesburg, South Africa, Fayoum University, pp. 1786, Jan 12-13, 2016. Abstract

Document analysis is an important research field that aims to gather information by analyzing data in documents. As one of the important targets for many fields is to understand what people actually want, sentimental analysis field has been one of the vital fields that are tightly related to the document analysis. This research focuses on analyzing text documents to classify each document according to its opinion. The aim of this research is to detect the emotions from text documents based on enhancing the lexicon based approach. The proposed approach has been presented and different experiments are applied by different perspectives to reveal the positive impact of the proposed approach on the classification results.

Hossny, E., S. Khattab, F. Omara, and H. Hassan, "Semantic-based generation of generic-API adapters for portable cloud applications", CrossCloud '16 Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on CrossCloud Infrastructures & Platforms, UK, April, 2016.
Othman, M., H. Hassan, R. Moawad, and A. M. Idrees, "Using NLP Approach for Opinion Types Classifier", Journal of Computers (JCP),, vol. 11, issue 5, 2016.
Mohsen, A. M., H. A. Hassan, and A. M. Idrees, Documents emotions classification model based on tf-idf weighting measure, : World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal …, 2016. Abstract