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Hesham A. Hassan

 is an Egyptian researcher born in Cairo in 1953. Hesham's educational background is as follows: B.Sc  in Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt in 1975.   Postgraduate diploma in computer science, from ISSR, Cairo University, Egypt in 1984. M.Sc in computer science, from ISSR, Cairo university, Egypt, in 1989. Ph.D in computer science from ISSR, Cairo University (dual supervision Sweden/Egypt) in 1995.

 He is now a  Professor and head of  computer science department at the faculty of computers and Information, Cairo university.  He was also IT Consultant at Central Laboratory of Agricultural Expert System, National Agricultural Research Center. He  has published over than 85  research papers in international journals, and conference proceedings.

 He  has served member of steering committees and program committees of several national conferences. Hesham   has supervised over 30 PhD and M. Sc theses. Prof. Hesham interests are Knowledge modeling, sharing and reuse, Intelligent information retrieval, Intelligent Tutoring systems,  Software Engineering. Cloud Computing and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

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