Interval Mathematics: Foundations, Algebraic Structures, and Applications

Dawood, Hend. Interval Mathematics: Foundations, Algebraic Structures, and Applications. Cairo: Cairo University, 2012.

Thesis Type:

M.Sc. Thesis


We begin by constructing the algebra of classical intervals and prove that it is a nondistributive abelian semiring. Next, we formalize the notion of interval dependency, along with discussing the algebras of two alternate theories of intervals: modal intervals, and constraint intervals. With a view to treating some problems of the present interval theories, we present an alternate theory of intervals, namely the "theory of optimizational intervals", and prove that it constitutes a rich S-field algebra, which extends the ordinary field of the reals, then we construct an optimizational complex interval algebra. Furthermore, we define an order on the set of interval numbers, then we present the proofs that it is a total order, compatible with the interval operations, dense, and weakly Archimedean. Finally, we prove that this order extends the usual order on the reals, Moore's partial order, and Kulisch's partial order on interval numbers.

Classical interval arithmetic, Machine interval arithmetic, Interval dependency, Constraint intervals, Modal intervals, Classical complex intervals, Optimizational intervals, Optimizational complex intervals, S-field algebra, Ordering subsets of the reals, Interval arithmetic, Ordering interval numbers, Ordinal power, Total order, Well order, Order compatibilty, Weak Archimedeanity, Dedekind completeness, Interval lattice, Interval order topology, Moore's partial order, Kulisch's partial order.

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