
Heba Fahmy was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1983. She is currently an associate professor of Biophysics, Faculty of Science, Cairo University. She earned her Bachelor (distinction with honor) of Biophysics at Cairo University in 2004, and her Master in Medical Biophysics from Cairo University in 2010. In her master thesis work, she investigated the effect of continuous and modulated electromagnetic radiation on rat's EEG during sleep. She completed her Ph.D. in 2014 on the use of Nigella sativa in the treatment of an animal model of multiple sclerosis. After completing her Ph.D., Heba worked as a lecturer at the biophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University from 2014 to 2020 and as an associate professor from September 2020 and until now. She is interested in the field of neuroscience and nanotechnology, Especially, the impact of different nanoparticles on the brain and the treatment of animal models of neurodegenerative diseases using nanotechnology. Heba has over 38 refereed publications, 35 papers (research articles and review articles), and 3 books. Heba has an H-index of 10.

Heba is the leader of the biophysical scientific society since 5 years ago and till now, a research team composed mainly of undergraduate students and freshly graduated students. Heba Formed the first undergraduate student research team at the Faculty of Science, Cairo University in 2019. The team research work is focused mainly on drug delivery, biomaterials, and nanotoxicology. She earned Cairo University encouragement prize in physical sciences 2019. Heba Awarded the prize of best poster presentations at the 10th International Conference of the European Bioelectromagnetics Association that was held 21th-24th February 2011 –Rome – Italy and also in The 6th international conference on modern trends in physics researches that was held 17th - 20th December 2016 - Hurghada – Egypt. She also earned the Cairo University publication award during the years 2014, 2016, and 2018. Lately, Heba earned the scientific research shield award presented from the Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University during her participation in the Workshop: "High-speed studies, laser and nanotechnology" that was held at the central library, Cairo University September 2018.

 Heba has been awarded many scholarships to attend international scientific events. Heba is now a reviewer and an editorial member of many of the prestigious peer-reviewed journals.


Research interests


Neuroscience; Nanotechnology; Nanotoxicology; Drug delivery; Electrophysiology 


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