is a university professor of pharmaceutics and Industrial pharmacy at faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, where she has been since 1987. She also currently serves as the dean of faculty of pharmacy, October university of modern sciences and Arts. She studied Pharmacy at the University of Cairo (1982-1986) and earned her Ph.D. at Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, Germany in 1998. During 2010-2013, Hanan guided Cairo University bioequivalence center as executive director of Center of Applied Research and Advanced Studies. In 2013, Hanan worked with the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population at a unique administrative level as executive chief of Central of Administration and Pharmaceutical Affairs.
Her research areas of interest is nano and advanced pharmaceutical technology for drug delivery. She has published 30 articles in scholarly journals, 50 abstracts and conference proceedings and has given more than 15 invited talks in international conferences. She holds three patents deriving from her research. She was awarded the International Publication Awards by Cairo University and King Abdulaziz University in recognition of her outstanding research work, and numerous other awards.
She is a board member of : American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS, USA), European Association of Pharma Biotechnology (EAPB, Germany), Consultative Committee and Food Supplement Committee (Ministry of Health and population, Egypt. She serves as referee for many peer reviewed international scientific journals such as European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, AAPS pharmSci Tech, international journal of Pharmaceutics, Journal of Carbohydrate Polymers, Journal of Bioanalysis and Biomedicine, African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacological Research.
Hanan served as a consultant for Sekem Pharmceutial Company and developed several marketed Chamomile, Calendula extract based baby products